Lila : 「お腹すいたなあ…」
= Onaka suita naa…
= I’m hungry…
= Ah! Myuuto shiwasureta.
= Oops. I forgot to mute the mic.
Olaf: 「画面がフリーズしています。」
= Gamen ga furiizu shite imasu.
= My screen has frozen.
Maggie: 「それでは会議を始めます。おもちゃをしまってください。」
= Soredewa kaigi wo hajimemasu. Omocha wo shimatte kudasai.
= OK, let’s start the meeting. Please put away your toys.
Elsa: 「やばっ!みんなに見えてるのかなあ…」
= Yabah! Minna ni mieteru no kanaa.
= Oh no! I wonder if everybody can see me.
Hi everyone!
Today we have these lovely guest teachers, Elsa, Olaf, and Lila.
They volunteered to be our guest teachers back in March, and I am happy that we can finally work together. But since they live in Barcelona, we decided to give you a remote lesson.
みなさん、こんにちは! = Minasan, konnichiwa! = Hello, everyone!
Today’s lesson was a requested lesson.
More people work at home now, so many people are now using the Internet to have meetings.
Let’s learn some basic vocabulary and some useful phrases for web conferencing.
* 会議 = kaigi = meeting/conference
* ビデオ会議 = video kaigi = video conference
* オンライン会議 = on-line kaigi = online meeting = web/ video conference
* リモート会議 = rimooto kaigi = teleconference
* 設定 = settei = setting
→verb ~する( = suru)
* 接続 = setsuzoku = connection
→verb ~する( = suru)
* 主催者 = shusaisha = organizer
* 参加者 = sankasha = participants(s)
* 出席者 = shussekisha = attendee(s)
* ファイル共有 = fairu kyouyuu = sharing the files
* 画面共有 = gamen kyouyuu = sharing the screen
* ログイン = roguin = log in
* ログアウト = roguauto = log out
* サインイン = sain-in = sign-in
* サインアウト= sain auto = sign-out
* 入室 = nyuushitsu = (literal meaning) entering the (conference) room = to join the meeting
* 入室許可 = nyuushitsu kyoka = allowing someone to join the meeting.
* 退室 = taishitsu = (literal meaning) leaving the (conference) room = to leave the meeting
* 待機室 = taikishitsu = waiting room
* 機能 = kinou = features
* 音声 = onsei = sound
* 画面 = gamen = screen
* 背景 = haikei = background
Ex. 背景を選ぶ = haikei wo erabu = to choose the background picture
* 資料 = shiryou = materials
* 日程 = nittei = schedule
* 議題 = gidai = topics
* 参加する = sanka suru = to participate
= kaigi ni sanka suru
= to join the conference/meeting
* 会議を開く= kaigi wo hiraku /開催する = kaisaisuru = to hold a meeting
* 会議を設定する = kaigi wo setteisuru = to set up a meeting
* 待機する = taiki suru = to be waiting
* (someone) を招待する
= ~ wo shoutai suru
= to invite someone
* 招待を受ける
= shoutai wo ukeru
= to accept the invitation
* 切る = kiru = to turn off
* 準備をする = junbi wo suru = to prepare
* ミュートを解除する
= myuuto wo kaijo suru
= to unmute
* 録画する
= rokuga suru
= to record
* 録音する
= rokuon suru
= to record the sound
* 画面を拡大する
= Gamen wo kakudai suru
= to zoom the screen
* 画面を縮小する
= gamen wo shukushou suru
= to shrink the screen
* 有効にする
= yuukou ni suru
= to enable
* 無効にする
= mukou ni suru
= to disable
★Before you start the meeting:
If it is a small group, you can greet each other.
Ex. おはようございます。
= Ohayou gozaimasu.
= Good morning.
Ex. こんにちは
= Konnchiwa
= Hello / Good afternoon.
Ex. こんばんは
= Konbanwa
= Good evening
Ex. お元気ですか?
= Ogenki desu ka?
= How are you?
Ex. お元気でしたか?
= Ogenki deshita ka?
= How have you been?
= Ohisashiburi desu. Ogenki deshita ka?
= It has been a long time. How have you been?
If it is the first time, you can introduce yourself.
If you work for the different company, give your company name, department, and give your own name.
Ex. 犬猫株式会社、営業部のマギーです*。よろしくお願いします。
= Inuneko kabushikigaisha, Eigyoubu no Maggie desu. Yoroshiku onegai shimasu.
= I am Maggie from Sales Department of Inuneko Co. Nice to meet you.
In formal meetings you should say:
= Maggie to moushimasu.
= I am Maggie.
★Checking if everybody is there:
Ex. 皆さん、揃いましたか?
= Minasan, soroimashita ka?
= Is everyone here?
Ex. まだ田中さんが入室していません。
= Mada Tanaka san ga nyuushitsu shiteimasen.
= Tanaka-san is not here yet.
(The literal meaning of 入室 = nyuushitsu is “to come in the room”)
Ex. ではもう一度、呼び出してみます。
= Dewa, mouichido, yobidashite mimasu.
= OK, then I will call him/her again.
★Checking the connection:
Ex. 皆さん、聞こえますか?
= Minasan, kikoemasu ka?
= Can everyone hear me?
★Talking about 問題 = mondai = troubles / problems
Ex. 聞こえません
= kikoemasen.
= I can’t hear you.
Ex. 音が聞きづらいです。
= Oto ga kikizurai desu.
= It is hard to hear your voice.
Ex. 見えません
= miemasen.
= I can’t see.
Ex. 声は聞こえますが、顔*が見えません。
= Koe wa kikoemasu ga, kao ga miemasen.
= I can hear your voice, but I can’t see you (literally: your face).
Ex. 顔*は見えますが、声が聞こえません。
= Kao wa miemasu ga, koe ga kikoemasen.
= I can see you (your face), but I can’t hear your voice.
(お顔 = okao is more polite)
Ex. 音声は聞こえますが、画面が見えません。
= Onsei wa kikoemasu ga, gamen ga miemasen.
= I have audio, but I can’t see anything.
Ex. 画面は見えますが、音声が聞こえません。
= Gamen wa miemasu ga, onsei ga kikoemasen.
= I can see the screen/your face, but I am not getting any sound.
Ex. 資料が小さくて見えないので拡大していただけますか?
= Shiryou ga chiisakute mienai node kakudai shite itadakemasu ka?
= I’m afraid that the material (that you are showing) is too small so would you mind zooming in on it a little?
Ex. 声が途切れます
= koe ga togiremasu.
= The sound is breaking up.
Ex. 画面がフリーズしました。
= Gamen ga furiizu shimashita.
= My screen is freezing up.
Ex. 画面がカクカクします。
= Gamen ga kakukaklu shimasu.
= The screen is lagging.
Ex. 接続が悪いです
= Setsuzoku ga warui desu.
= I have a bad connection.
Ex. 接続が切れてしまいました。
= Setsuzoku ga kirete shimaimashita.
= I lost my connection.
Ex. (インターネットの)接続が悪いので一度切って接続をしなおします。
= (Intaanetto no ) Setsuzoku ga warui node ichido kitte setsuzoku shinaoshimasu.
= My (Internet) connection is bad so let me disconnect once and reset my connection.
Ex. 一度、切ってまた接続し直してみてください。
= Ichido, kitte mata setsuzoku shinaoshite mite kudasai.
= Please try turning it (software or computer) off and on once (to reset the connection).
Ex. 周りがうるさいのでミュートにします。
= Mawari ga urusai no de myuuto ni shimasu.
= It is noisy around here so I will mute myself.
Ex. ミュートにしてください。
= Myuuto ni shite kudasai.
= Please mute your microphone.
Ex. 発言するとき以外はミュートにしてください。
= Hatsugen suru toki igai wa myuuto ni shite kudasai.
= Please turn off/mute your microphone except when you are not talking.
Ex. ミュートになっていませんか?
= Myuuto ni natte imasen ka?
= Isn’t your microphone muted?
Ex. マイクがオフになっていると思うのですが。
= Maiku ga ofu ni natte iru to omou no desuga.
= I think your mic is off.
Ex. 画面共有を切っていただけますか?
= Gamen kyouyuu wo kitte itadakemasu ka?
= Would you mind turning off the screen sharing?
Ex. すみません。画面共有のやり方がよくわからないのですが。
= Sumimasen. Gamen kyoyuu no yarikata ga yoku wakaranai no desu ga.
= I am sorry. I don’t know how to share the screen…(Can anybody help me?)
Ex. すみません。ミュートにしたと思ったのですが。どうやったらいいですか?
= Sumimasen. Myuuto ni shita to omotta nodesuga. Douyattara ii desu ka?
= I am sorry. I thought I turned off the mic (but I didn’t.) Could you tell me how to do it?
Ex. すみません。操作方法に慣れていなくて…
= Sumimasen. Sousahouhou ni narete inakute…
= I am sorry. I am not used to using this so…
In case someone is sleeping,
Ex. マギーさん、起きてください。
= Maggie san, okite kudasai.
= Please wake up, Maggie.
★Starting the meeting:
Ex. それでは時間ですので始めてもよろしいでしょうか?
= Soredewa jikan desu node hajimete mo yoroshii deshou ka?
= OK, it is time. Can we start now?
Ex. それでは始めましょう
= Sorede wa hajimemashou.
= Now, let’s get started.
Ex. それでは会議を始めます。よろしくお願いします。*
= Soredewa kaigi wo hajimemasu. Yoroshiku onegai shimasu.
= We’ll start the meeting now.
Note: As many of you already know よろしくお願いします ( = yoroshiku onegai shimasu.) is one of the most useful Japanese phrases. You can use it when you first meet someone, “Nice to meet you.” or “Thank you for your work in advance.” It is also a customary thing to say when starting work or a meeting.
Ex. 今日はご参加いただきありがとうございます。
= Kyou wa gosanka itadaki arigatougozaimasu.
= Thank you for joining us (the meeting) today.
Ex. 本日は、お忙しい中*、会議にご参加いただきありがとうございます。
= Honjitsu wa, oisogashii naka, kaigi ni gosanka itadaki arigatou gozaimasu.
= Thank you for making your time to join us (the meeting)
Note: お忙しい中 (= oisogashii naka) and the literal meaning is “during your busy time“
★During the meeting:
Ex. グラフをお見せいたします。
= Gurafu wo omise itashimasu.
= I will show you a graph.
Ex. 画面を共有します*。
= Gamen wo kyouyuu shimasu
= I am going to share my screen.
Note: します(= shimasu)→(more polite) いたします (= itashimasu)
Ex. 画面共有をしましたが見えますか?
= Gamen kyouyuu wo shimashita ga miemasu ka?
= I am sharing the screen. Can you see it?
Ex. 何か質問はありますか?
= Nanika shitsumon wa arimasu ka?
= Are there any questions?
Ex. すみません。質問してもよろしいでしょうか?
= Sumimasen. Shitsumon shitemo yoroshii de shou ka?
= Excuse me. May I ask a question?
Ex. 何かご意見はありますか?
= Nanika goiken wa arimasu ka?
= What do you think? / Do you have any thoughts?
(Note: 意見 (= iken) means “opinions”)
Ex. 他に話し合うことがありますか?
= Hoka ni hanashiau koto ga arimasu ka?
= Is there anything else that we should discuss (talk about)?
★When you wrap up a meeting:
Ex. もうそろそろ時間となりました。
= Mou sorosoro jikan to narimashita.
= I’m afraid we are almost out of time.
Ex. それではこれで会議を終わります。皆様、お疲れ様でした。
= Soredewa kore de kaigi wo owarimasu. Minasama otsukaresama deshita.
= Let’s wrap up today’s meeting. Thank you very much for joining. (Thank you for your hard work.)
Ex. では、みなさん、お疲れ様です。
= Dewa, minasan. Otsukaresama desu.
= OK, everyone. Thank you for your hard work.(Thank you for joining the meeting. )
Ex. あとから、Emailで、本日の議事録を送ります。
= Ato kara, Email de, honjitsu no gijiroku wo okurimasu.
= I will email the minutes of today’s meeting later.
Ex. また何かご質問がありましたらいつでもお聞きください。
= Mata nanika goshitsumon ga arimashitara itsudemo okiki kudasai.
= If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask me.
Ex. いい週末をお過ごしください。
= ii shuumatsu wo osugoshi kudasai.
= Have a nice weekend.
Ex. おやすみなさい
= Oyasuminasai.
= Good night.
Ex. それでは今日はゆっくりお休みください。
= Soredewa kyou wa yukkuri oyasumi kudasai.
= Please rest well today.
Ex. また次回、よろしくお願いいたします*。
= Mata jikai, yoroshiku onegai itashimasu.
= Until next time.
(Note: * It has a connotation of “Thank you in advance”)
Ex. (それでは) 失礼します。
= (Sorede wa) shiturei shimasu.
= (The literal translation) Please allow me to leave here (this web conference)
= OK, see you.
マギー先生より = Maggie Sensei yori = From Maggie Sensei
= Elsa Sensei、Olaf Sensei、Lila Sensei, arigatou!
= Thank you, Elsa Sensei, Olaf Sensei and Lila Sensei!
= Jitsu wa, watashi mo on-line kaigi no toki wa itsumo kossori oyatsu wo tabete imashita.
= Actually, I always secretly ate snacks during my online meetings.
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Part 2→Click here
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Thank you very much for these informative answers! I have a question regarding these uses with a teacher. How would I adapt these for remote one on one lessons with a teacher? I just don’t want to be rude, but also want to be attentive. Perhaps there’s a lesson here that I missed on this, but also the proper words to say beside はい when communicating that I understand what my teacher is saying. He used to speak entirely in Japanese with me, but now has gradually been sneaking more and more English in there and I think it’s because I’m not good with these sorts of situations
Hello Jacki
You can use all these phrases with your on-line teacher but let me know if there are any specific phrases that you want to use in the class. I will help you.
Also I covered some class room Japanese in 学校 lesson. Link is here.
How would you tell someone to please go ahead with their report ? Thanks !
Hi Joe
I don’t know what kind of report is but for example you can say
どうぞ (topics) の報告(ほうこく)をしてください。
In a year rocked by uncertainty, one thing has always remained certain – Maggie Sensei’s informative and helpful lessons. I’m genuinely thankful for this site.
You are too nice, Jimmi!
Thank you!! ありがとう!
それはよかったです! 是非、使ってみてくださいね。
Thank you for this! I’m a US engineer working at a Japanese company and this is really useful. Something I didn’t see listed here, at internal Skype meetings we always use 失礼します(しつれいします) when ending the meeting before dropping the call.
Hi Taylor.
Glad to hear this lesson is useful.
I will add 失礼します to the list. :)