Echo 「それはそうと、ご飯まだ?」
= Sore wa sou to, gohan mada?
= By the way, where’s my dinner?
Hi everyone!
I’m your guest teacher for today, Echo. I’m here to help my human buddy Jesse who has been studying Japanese with Maggie. His Japanese is amazing!!
Today I am going to teach you how to use それ ( = sore).
As many of you already know, それ ( = sore) means “that / that one” , you use it to refer to something a little further from the speaker: it / that
(pointing something a little far from you.)
Ex. それはなに?
= Sore wa nani?
= What is that?
Ex. それは何に使うの?
= Sore wa nani ni tsukau no?
= What do you use it for?
Check こそあど言葉 ( = kosoado kotoba) (This and that in Japanese) lesson
You also use conjunctions with それ ( = sore) — like それから ( = sore kara)、それで (= sore de)、それとも(sore tomo), etc. to refer to what you or someone just said.
There are countless numbers of conjunctions or expressions that use それ ( = sore).
I will teach you many of these expressions today, but just memorizing them by their English translations won’t always work because the usage is often different.
Please learn how to use them with these example sentences.
All the example sentences here are presented in conversational formats.
I will focus on daily conversation rather than formal textbook Japanese.
Let’s get to it!
*それは ( = sore wa) / sometimes you drop は ( = wa) →それ ( = sore) in casual conversation
Ex. A:「私達、ちょっと距離を置いた方がいいかも…」
= Watashitachi, chotto kyori wo oita hou ga ii kamo….
= I think we should keep some distance from each other.
= Sore dou iu koto?
= What do you mean by that?
= Kono shatsu ni kono nekutai au?]
= Do you think this tie goes well with this shirt?
= Sore wa hen janai?
= That’s strange, I think.
Ex. それはどういうこと?
= Sore wa dou iu ko koto?
= What does it mean?
Ex. A: 「私のせいでナナちゃん、怒って帰ったのかな。」
= Watashi no sei de Nana chan, okotte kaetta no kana.
= I wonder if Nana got angry and took off because of me.
B: 「それは違うよ?」
= Sore wa chigau yo.
= That’s not true.
You also use それは ( = sorewa) when you explain something: That’s because ~
Ex. A: 「日本の食べ物はみんな高いと思います。」
= Nihon no tabemono wa minna takai to omoimasu.
= I think all the Japanese food are expensive.
= Sore wa takai resutoran bakari ni iku kara desu yo.
= That’s because you only go to expensive restaurants.
* to show your agreement with what you have heard.: That’s it!
You repeat それ ( = sore) twice to show your emotion.
*それそれ = sore sore! = That’s it! (casual)
Ex. A:「あ〜思い出せない。あの子の名前なんだっけ?」
= Ahh omoidasenai. Anoko no namae nan dakke?
= Ahh I can’t remember. What was her name?
= Mika ja nai?
= Isn’t she Mika?
= Sore sore!
= That’s it!
*それだよ、それ! = Sore da you, sore! = That’s it! / That’s exactly it! (casual)
Ex. 「ねえ、探していた本ってこれ?」
= Nee, sagashite ita hon tte kore?
= Hey, is this the book you have been looking for?
= Sore dayo, sore! Yoku mitsuketa ne.
= That’s it! How did you find it?
!onpu! Slang expression:
*それな = Sore na= You are right. / I agree./ I know, right?
It is one of those expressions that young people use but annoys older people.
Ex. 「タケルってカッコイイよね。」
= Takeru tte kakko ii ne.
= Isn’t Takeru cute?
= Sorena!
= I agree!
Note: You see this emoticon in a casual writing.
Ex. 「勉強しないのに試験に受かったの?運がいいね。」
= Benkyou shinai noni shiken ni ukatta no? Un ga iine.
= You passed the exam without studying? You are lucky, aren’t you!
= Honto, sorena!
= Really, you can say that again.
* それが = sore ga = actually / in fact / That’s ~ .
When you respond to someone’s question explaining the situation and etc.
Ex. A:
= Kanojo, genki ?
= How’s your girlfriend?
= Sore ga wakaretan da.
= Actually we broke up.
Ex. A:「昨日、新しくできたステーキの店に行ったんでしょ。どうだった?」
= Kinou, atarashiku dekita suteeki no mise ni ittan desho. Dou datta?
= So you went to a new steak place yesterday. How was it?
= Sore ga, yasumi de saa.
= Actually they were closed, you know.
* それから = sore kara = 1) and 2) and then 3) since then / after that
1) when you list up things/activities, add something, give additional information:
Ex. 買い物に行くの?じゃあ、牛乳とキャベツとそれから玉ねぎも買ってきて。
= Kaimono ni iku no? Jaa, gyuunyuu to kyabetsu to sore kara tamanegi mo katte kite.
= Are you going shopping? Then, buy some milk, cabbage and also some onions.
Ex. A:「どんなアニメが好き?」
= Donna anime ga suki?
= What kind of anime do you like?
= Uun Wanpiisu toka Doragonbouru toka.. Ah, sore kara Wanpanman mo suki.
= Hmm, I like One-Piece, Dragon Ball and…oh yeah, I also like One Punch Man.
Ex. 駅に着いたらまず電話してね。それからタクシーに乗るんだったらワンワンタクシーが一番安いからね。
= Eki ni tsuitara mazu denwa shite ne. Sore kara takushii ni norun dattara Wanwan takushii ga ichiban yasui karane.
= Call me when you get to the station. And if you take a taxi, Wanwan taxi is the cheapest, OK?
Ex. 日本に行きたかったら必要最低限の日本語を勉強して、それから行った方がいいよ。
= Nihon ni ikitakattara hitsuyou saiteigen no nihongo wo benkyou shite, sore kara itta hou ga ii yo.
= If you want to go to Japan, you should study minimum required Japanese first and then go.
2) to give an order of activities/events: and then / since then
Ex. これから買い物に行ってそれから友達と会うんだ。
= Kore kara kaimono ni itte sore kara tomodachi to aun da.
= I am going shopping now and then meet up with my friend.
Ex. まず、化粧を落としてそれからこの洗顔フォームで洗ってください。
= Mazu, keshou wo otoshite sore kara kono sengan foomu de aratte kudasai.
= You first remove your make-up and then wash your face with this cleansing foam.
Ex. 大学を卒業してそれからどうするの?
= Daigaku wo sotsugyou shite sore kara dou suru no?
= You graduate from the university and then what are you going to do?
Ex. 今朝、古い牛乳を飲んだんだけどそれから気持ちが悪くなって…
= Kesa, furui gyuunyuu wo nondan dakedo sore kara kimochi ga waruku natte…
= I had some old milk this morning but I have been sick since then.
* それとも = sore tomo = or
Ex. ビールにする?それとも日本酒?
= Biiru ni suru? Sore tomo nihonshu?
= Would you like some beer? Or sake?
Ex. 明日がいい?それとも今日行く?
= Ashita ga ii? Soretomo kyou iku?
= Do you want to go there tomorrow? Or today?
* それだから = sore dakara = That’s why
A: 「もうだめ〜!あきらめる!」
= Mou damee! Akirameru!
= I can’t take it anymore. I’ll give up!
B: 「それだから女は弱いって言われるんだよ。がんばって!」
= Soredakara onna wa yowai tte iwarerun dayo. Ganbatte!
= That’s why people say women are weak. Hang in there!
Ex. 「買い物は苦手だからここで待ってるよ。」
= Kaimono wa nigate dakara koko de matteru yo.
= I am not a big fan of shopping. I’ll wait here.
= Sore dakara issho ni dekakeru nowa iya nan dayo ne.
= That’s why I don’t like going out with you.
* それで ( = sore de) and then, then, because of that (giving a reason)
A: 「今日、バスの中で財布がないことに気がついてさあ。」
= Kyou, basu no naka de saifu ga nai koto ni ki ga tsuite saa..
= You know I realized on the bus today that my wallet was missing…
B: 「それでどうしたの?」
= Sore de dou shita no?
= And then what happened?
A: 「マギーは朝からなにも食べていなんだって。」
= Maggie wa asa kara nani mo tabeteinain datte.
= I heard Maggie hasn’t eaten anything since this morning.
B: 「それで機嫌が悪いんだね。」
= Sore de kigen ga waruin dane.
= That’s why she is in a bad mood.
* それでは = sore dewa / (more casual) それじゃ(あ)= sore ja ( a) = OK then / then / when you say good-bye / if so
* OK then, then
= Sore dewa kaigi wo hajimemasu.
= OK, we are going to start the meeting now.
Ex. 「美味しいパンケーキの店ができたんだって。」
= Oishii pankeeki no mise ga dekitan datte.
= I heard a good pancake store opened.
= Sorejaa ashita, itte miyou ka.
= Then let’s go check it out tomorrow.
* When you say good-bye
Ex. それでは失礼します。
= Sore dewa shitsureishimasu.
= OK, I should get going now.
Ex. それじゃあ明日ね!
= Sorejaa ashita ne!
= OK, see you tomorrow!
* Note: In casual speech you just say
じゃあ ( = jaa) / じゃあね ( = jaane) / じゃあな ( = jaana) male speech
skipping それ ( = sore)
Ex. じゃあね。= Jaane = See ya!
Ex. じゃあな。 = Jaana (male speech) = See ya!
* それでも = sore demo = nevertheless, but still
A: 「もう仕事やめたら?残業代もつかないし。体をこわすよ。」
= Mou shigoto yametara? Zangyou dai mo tsukanai shi. Karada wo kowasu yo.
= Why don’t you quit your job? They don’t pay you for overtime. It is going to kill you. (You are going to get sick)
B: 「それでも今やめるわけにはいかないんだ。」
= Sore demo ima yameru wake niwa ikanain da.
= Even so, I can’t just quit now.
Ex. あの子は絶対に僕に気がないってわかってるんだけど、それでも好きだから告白してみるよ。
= Ano ko wa zettai ni boku ni ki ga nai tte wakatterun dakedo, soredemo suki dakara kokuhaku shite miru yo.
= I know she is not into me but I will give it a try and confess my feelings for her.
* それどころか = sore dokoro ka = far from ~ / on the contrary / In fact / Not to speak of ~
You give an example in first sentence and introduce something far from the situation/fact that you mentioned in the first sentence.
Ex. 兄はケチだからなにもおごってくれない。それどころかこの間はおごらされた。
= Ani wa kechi dakara nani mo ogotte kurenai. Sore dokoro ka kono aida wa ogorasareta.
= My big brother is cheap so he doesn’t treat me at all. In fact, he made me treat him the other day.
Ex. 彼のアパートにはエアコンがない。それどころか扇風機もない。
= Kare no apaato niwa eakon ga nai. Sore dokoro ka senpuuki mo nai.
= There is no air conditioner not even a fan in his apartment.
* それと = sore to = and / also (casual)
When you list up something/ when you add some item. The same usage as それから ( = sore kara) the usage 1)
それと ( = sore to) is more conversational.
Ex. バーベキューするからお肉とバーベキューソース、それとワインも持ってきて。
= Baabekyuu suru kara oniku to baabekyuu sousu, sore to wain mo motte kite.
= We are going to have a BBQ so please bring meat, BBQ sauce and a bottle of wine.
Ex. コーヒー1つ、それとトーストもお願いします。
= Koohii hitotsu, sore to toosuto mo onegai shimasu.
= One coffee and a piece of toast too, please.
*それどころではない ( = sore dokoro dewa nai)/(more casual) それどころじゃない ( = sore dokoro ja nai) = It is absolutely not the right time to do something. / This is no time to do ~
A: 「ねえ、遊びに行こうよ。」
= Nee, asobini ikou yo.
= Hey, let’s go out and have fun!
B: 「それどころじゃないよ。明日、試験なんだ。」
= Soredokoro janai yo. Ashita, shiken nanda.
= I’ve got no time for that. I have an exam tomorrow.
Check this lesson to learn more about the usage どころ ( = dokoro)
* それなのに = sore nanoni = but / yet / despite ~
When someone doesn’t do something or things don’t work out as you expected.
Ex. 私のことあれだけ好きだって言ってたじゃない。それなのにもう別れようなんてひどすぎる!
= Watashi no koto are dake suki datte itteta ja nai. Sore nanoni mou wakareyou nante hidosugiru.
= You told you love me so much. And yet, you dare to to tell me to break up with you!? You are horrible.
* それならそうと言って = sorenara sou to itte = You should have said so (earlier)
A: 「先月、日本にいたんだよ。」
= Sengetsu, nihon ni itanda yo.
= I was in Japan last month.
B: 「それならそうと言ってくれればよかったのに。会いたかったな。」
= Sore nara sou to itte kurereba yokatta noni. Aitakatana.
= You should have said so. I wanted to see you.
* それに = sore ni = and / also / on top of that
Ex. あの人は気前がいいよね。それに優しいし。
= Ano hito wa kimae ga ii yone. Sore ni yasashii shi.
= She/He is generous, isn’t she/he? And on top of that she/he is sweet.
Ex. もう電話してこないで。それにメールも送らないで。
= Mou denwa shite konai de. Sore ni meeru mo okuranai de.
= Don’t call me anymore. And don’t text me either.
* それにしても = sore ni shite mo = even so/ anyway
You understand the situation but still…
= Maggie wa?
= Where’s Maggie?
= Okureru tte itteta yone.
= She was saying she would be late?
A:「それにしても、 もう2時だよ。」
= Sore ni shite mo, mou niji dayo.
= Even so, it’s already two o’clock.
Ex. それにしてもどうしてこんなことになったんだろう…
= Sore ni shite mo doushite konna koto ni nattan darou.
= I wonder how it ended up like this anyway.
* それにしては = sore ni shite wa = considering / for ~ + some contradicted fact
Ex. 息子さんまだ5歳なの?それにしては大きいね。
= Musuko san wa mada gosai na no? Sore ni shite wa ookii ne.
= Your son is just five year’s old? He is big for that (he is big for five years old.)
= Nihon ni kite mada ichinen desu.
= It has been only a year since I came to Japan.
= Sounan desu ka. Sore ni shite wa nihongo ga jouzu desune.
= Is that so? Your Japanese is good considering (good for a person who has just been here for one year)
* それには = sore niwa = in order to do so/for that / to do that
A:「JLPT N1に受かりたいです。」
= JLPT N1 ni ukaritai desu.
= I would like to pass the JLPT N1.
B: 「それにはもっとがんばらないといけないよ。」
= Sore niwa motto ganbaranai to ikenai yo.
= You have to try harder to do so.
Ex. 尊敬される人になりたいけど、それにはどうしたらいいかなあ。
= Sonkei sareru hito ni naritai kedo, sore niwa doushitara ii kana.
= I want to be someone who is respected but how can I do that?
* それはそうと = sore wa sou to = By the way
Two people are talking about something.
* それはそうと = sore wa sou to = By the way
When you are talking about something and suddenly remember something else.
Two people are talking and one of them brings up unrelated topics.
Ex. 「それはそうと、宿題もうやった?」
= Sore wa sou to, shukudai mou yatta?
= By the way, did you finish your homework already?
Ex. 「それはそうと、そのワンピースいいね。どこで買ったの?」
= Sore wa sou to, sono wanpiisu iine. Doko de katta no?
= By the way, I like your dress. Where did you buy it?
* それはさておき = sore wa sate oki = asides from that, That aside,
Ex. Two people (A and B) are talking about something.
= Sore wa sateoki kyou, doko ni iku?
= Leaving that aside, where are we going today?
B: 「どこでもいいよ。」
= Dokodemo ii yo.
= Anywhere is fine./ Wherever.
* それはそれ= sore wa sore = that is that
Ex. 子:「お母さん、ゲーム買って。」
= Ko: “Okaasan, geemu katte.”
= A child: “Mom, buy me a game.”
= Haha: “Kono aida katta bakari dakara dame!”
= Mom: “No! You just bought one the other day.”
= Ko: “Okaasan datte kongetsu, kutsu nisoku mo katta janai”
= Child: “You bought TWO pairs of shoes this month, too”
= Sore wa sore, kore wa kore.
= That has nothing to do with this. / That’s irrelevant.
* それより = sore yori = more importantly/ more than that
(When you emphasize, you use それよりも( = sore yori mo)
= Shuumatsu, Koube ni ikou ka?
= Why don’t we go to Kobe on the weekend?
= Sore yori Kyouto ni ikanai ?
= How about going to Kyoto instead?
= Kono keeik oishisou.
= This cake looks delicious.
= Sore yori mo, kocchi no keeki no hou ga oishisou dayo.
= This cake looks more delicious than that one.
* それも = sore mo = what’s more/ in addition to that, and + more information
Ex. 新しい車にはナビがついてるんだよ。それも最新式のやつ!
= Atarashii kuruma ni wa nabi ga tsuiterun dayo. Soremo saishin no yatsu!
= My new car has got a navigation system. What’s more, it’s the latest one.
Ex. マギー先生はよくボストンテリアに間違えられる。それも1回や2回ではない。
= Maggie Sensei wa yoku Bosuton teria ni machigaerareru. Sore mo ikkai ya nikai de wa nai.
= Maggie Sensei has often mistaken by Boston Terrier. And it happened not just once or twice (implying it happened many times.)
マギー先生より = Maggie Sensei yori = From Maggie Sensei
Echo先生、ありがとう! = Echo sensei arigatou! = Thank you, Echo sensei!
= Jaa, gohan ni suru? Sore tomo sanpo suru?
= OK, then do you want to have your dinner or do you want to go for a walk?
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Thank you for teaching us! I recently saw this combination
それだ, What does it mean?
Hi Mian
It depends on the context but
それだ! means “That’s it./ That’s one. / That is what I am talking about.
先生 what about それを?
OK, let me add a few example sentences.
それを = sore wo
Ex. みんなでがんばったのにそれを時間の無駄なんて言わないで。
= Minna de ganbatta noni sore wo jikan no muda nante iwanai de.
We all tried so hard. Don’t even say it was waste of time.
Ex A: .「今、無事に家に着きました。」
= Ima, buji ni ie ni tsukimashita.
= I got home safely now.
B: 「それを聞いて安心しました。長旅お疲れ様でした。」
= Sore wo kiite anshin shimashita. Nagatabi otsukare sama deshita.
= I am relieved to hear that. It was a long trip. Have a good rest.
I don’t think you’ve added the full translation for this sentence. I couldn’t understand the second part by myself
Hi Rafael,
I just added the translation. :)
okay, thanks!
Hi maggie ,
Thanks for your awesome articles. I’ve just found your site recently and i’ve learned a lot of things which i wont be able to learn it in my school .
Keep doing good work xD
Hello Hung Do,
Welcome to my site!
I’m glad to hear you have learned a lot here.
また来てね! :)
Now that’s a cool lesson, thank you for that Maggie! ^^
I have also a couple of different expressions with それ, which I can share with you (with others). That might be useful, I think.
Maybe you could make a little update with 1-2 examples and explanation to that lesson?
Hi 天人!
There are so many expressions with それ that I couldn’t cover this time.
Yes, feel free to share yours. I can add the example sentences. :)