= Dokokara kitano?
= Where are you from?
= Nattou sukI?
= Do you like Natto?
= Ohashi tsukaeru?
= Can you use chopsticks?
Tofu: え~と…
= Ehhhhto
= Well……
Hi everyone!
Our cute guest teacher, Tofu-Sensei is back again! !JYANE!
Hello again! I am Tofu. Today I will teach you some typical questions that you may hear when you visit Japan.
You may get the following questions a lot while you are in Japan.
The purpose of this lesson is to get yourself ready for these type of questions and how to answer them.
Q: どこから来たんですか?
= Dokokara kitan desu ka?
= Where are you from?
(polite) どちらからいらっしゃったのですか?
= Dochirakara irasshatta no desu ka?
= Where are you from?
(casual) どこから来たの?
= Doko kara kita no?
= Where are you from?
Q: どこの国から来たんですか?
= Dokono kuni kara kitan desu ka?
= What country are you from?
(polite) どちらの(お)国からいらっしゃったのですか?
= Dochira no (o) kuni kara irasshatta no desu ka?
= What country are you from?
(polite) お国はどちらですか?
= Okuni wa dochira desuka?
= What country are you from?
(polite) どちらの国の方ですか?
= Dochira no kuni no kata desu ka?
= What country are you from?
(casual) どこの国から来たの?
= Doko no kuni kara kitano?
= What country are you from?
Note: Somtimes we just ask
(polite) お国は?
= Okuni wa?
= Your country is..?
(casual) 国はどこ?
= Kuni wa doko?
= Your country is..?
A: インドネシアから来ました。
= Indonesia kara kimashita.
= I am from Indonesia.
Q: 外国の方ですか?
= Gaikoku no kata desu ka?
= Are you from abroad?
Q: アメリカ人ですか?
= Amerikajin desu ka?
= Are you American?
= Amerika no kata desu ka?
= Are you American?
(casual / a bit blunt) アメリカ人?
= Amerika jin?
= Are you American?
(casual/ a bit blunt) 何人・なにじん?
= Nanijin
= What nationality?
A: はい、そうです。
= Hai, soudesu.
= Yes, I am.
A: いいえ、カナダから来ました。
= Iie, kanada kara kimashita.
= No, I am from Canada.
= Iie, kanada jin desu.
=No, I am Canadian.
Q: マレーシアのどこから来たのですか?
= Mareeshia no doko kara kitano desu ka?
= Where in Malaysia did you come from?
(casual) マレーシアのどこから来たの?
= Mareeishia no doko kara kitano?
= Where in Malaysia did you come from?
A: クアラルンプールです。
= Kuararun puuru desu.
= I’m from Kuala Lumpur.
Q: 日本に何をしに来たのですか?
= Nihon ni nani wo shini kitano desu ka?
= What brings you to Japan?
(polite) 日本には何をしにいらっしゃったのですか?
= Nihon ni wa nani wo shini irasshatta no desu ka?
= What brings you to Japan?
(casual) 日本に何しに来たの?
= Nihon ni nani shini kita no?
= What brings you to Japan?
Q: どうして日本に来たんですか?
= Doushite nihon ni kitan desu ka?
= What brings you to Japan?
(polite) どうして日本にいらっしゃったのですか?
= Doushite nihon ni irasshatta no desu ka?
= What brings you to Japan?
(casual) どうして日本に来たの?
= Doushite nihon ni kitano?
= What brings you to Japan?
A: 観光です。
= Kankou desu.
= For sightseeing.
A: 仕事です。
= Shigoto desu.
= For business.
Q: 日本は初めてですか?
= Nihon wa hajimete desu ka?
= Is it your first time to visit Japan?
(casual) 日本は初めて?
= Nihon wa hajimete?
= Is it your first time to visit Japan?
A: はい、初めてです。
= Hai, hajimete desu.
= Yes, it’s my first time.
A: いいえ、2回目です。
= Iie, nikaime desu.
= No, it’s my second time.
A: いいえ、毎年来ています。
= Iie, maitoshi kite imasu.
= No, I come to Japan every year.
A: 何回も来ています。
= Nankai mo kite imasu.
= I have been here many times.
Q: どうして日本語を勉強しているのですか?
= Doushite nihongo wo benkyou shiteiru no desu ka?
= Why do you study Japanese?
(casual) どうして日本語を勉強してるの?
= Doushite nihongo wo benkyou shiteruno?
= Why do you study Japanese?
A: 日本の文化に興味があるからです。
= Nihon no bunka ni kyoumi ga aru kara desu.
= Because I am interested in Japanese culture.
A: 日本のアニメが好きだからです。
= Nihon no anime ga sukidakara desu.
= Because I like Japanese “anime”.
A: 将来、仕事に日本語を使いたいからです。
= Shourai, shigoto ni nihongo wo tsukaitai kara desu.
= Because I’d love to use Japanese for work.
A: 通訳になりたいからです。
= Tsuuyaku ni naritai kara desu.
= Because I’d like to be an interpreter.
= Tada nantonaku.
= No specific reason. I just felt like studying. That’s all.
Q: 日本には観光で来たんですか?
= Nihon niwa kankou de kitan desuka?
= Did you come to Japan for sightseeing?/ Are you a tourist?
(polite) 日本には観光でいらっしゃったのですか?
= Nihon ni wa kankou de irasshatta no desu ka?
= Did you come to Japan for sightseeing?/ Are you a tourist?
(casual) 日本には観光で来たの?
= Nihon niwa kankou de kita no?
= Did you come to Japan for sightseeing?/ Are you a tourist?
A: はい、そうです。
= Hai, soudesu.
= Yes, I did.
A: いいえ、仕事です。/仕事で来ました。
= Iie, shigoto desu. / Shigoto de kimashita.
= No, I am here on business.
Q: 日本には仕事で来たんですか?
= Nihon niwa shigoto de ktian desu ka?
= Did you come to Japan for business?
= Nihon niwa oshigoto de irasshatta no desu ka?
= Did you come to Japan for business?
= Nihon niwa shigoto de kitano?
= You came to Japan for business?
A: はい、そうです。
= Hai, sou desu.
= Yes, I did.
A: いいえ、観光です。/観光で来ました。
= Iie, kankou desu. / Kankou de kimashita.
= No, I am a tourist. I am here for sightseeing.
Q: いつ、日本に来ましたか?
= Itsu, nihon ni kimashita ka?
= When did you come to Japan?
(polite) いつ、日本にいらっしゃいましたか?
= Itsu, nihon ni irasshaimashita ka?
= When did you come to Japan?
(casual) いつ、日本に来たの?
= Itsu, nihon ni kitano?
= When did you come to Japan?
Q: どのぐらい日本にいるんですか?
= Donogurai nihon ni irun desu ka?
= How long are you staying in Japan?
= Donogurai nihon ni irassharun desu ka?
= How long are you staying in Japan?
= Donogurai nihon ni iru no?
= How long are you staying in Japan?
A: 1週間程、滞在します。
= Isshukan hodo, taizai shimasu.
= I will stay (in Japan) about for a week.
A: 1ヶ月間ぐらいです。
= Ikkagetsukan gurai desu.
= About a month.
A: 大体、2週間です。
= Daitai, nishuukan desu.
= About two weeks.
Q: どのぐらいここにいるんですか?
= Donogurai koko ni irun desu ka?
= How long will you be here?
(polite) どのぐらいこちらにいらっしゃるのですか?
= Donogurai kochirani irassharuno desu ka?
= How long will you be here?
(casual) どのぐらいこっちにいるの?
= Donogurai kocchi ni iru no?
= How long will you be here?
= Nishuukan hodo imasu.
= About two weeks.
A:(casual) 6日間だけ。
= Muikakan dake.
= Just six days.
Q: あとどれぐらい日本にいるんですか?
= Ato doregurai nihon ni irun desu ka?
= How much longer are you going to be in Japan?
(casual) あとどれぐらい日本にいるの?
= Ato doregurai nihon ni iru no?
= How much longer are you going to be in Japan?
A: あと、4日間います。
= Ato, yokkakan imasu.
= Four more days.
Q: 日本に住んでどのぐらいですか?
= Nihon ni sunde donogurai desu ka?
= How long have you been living in Japan?
= Nihon ni sunde donogurai nano?
= You have been living in Japan for how long?
= How long have you lived in Japan?
A: 2年になります。
= Ninen ni narimasu.
= It has been two years.
A: まだ来たばかりです。
= Mada kita bakari desu.
= I just got here.
Q: 日本ではどこに行きましたか?
= Nihon dewa dokoni ikimashitaka?
= Where did you go in Japan?
(polite) 日本ではどちらに行かれましたか?
= Nihon de wa dochira ni ikaremashitaka?
= Where did you go in Japan?
(casual) 日本ではどこに行ったの?
= Nihon dewa doko ni ittano?
= Where did you go in Japan?
A: 箱根と京都に行きました。
=Hakone to Kyoto ni ikimashita.
= I went to Hakone and Kyoto.
A: まだ着いたばかりです。
= Mada tsuita bakari desu.
=I just got here.
A: 東京だけです。
= Toukyou dake desu.
= Just the Tokyo (area).
Q: どこがよかったですか?
= Doko ga yokatta desu ka?
= What places did you enjoy?
(casual) どこがよかった?
= Doko ga yokatta?
= What places did you enjoy?
A: 北海道がよかったです。
= Hokkaidou ga yokatta desu.
= I liked Hokkaido.
A: 京都と奈良と広島に行きましたが、どこもよかったです。
= Kyoto to Nara to HIrosihma ni ikimashita ga, doko mo yokatta desu.
= I went to Kyoto, Nara and HIroshima but I liked every place I visited.
Q: 日本のどういうところが気に入りましたか?
= Nihon no douiu tokoro ga kiniirimashita ka?
= What do you like about Japan?
(casual) 日本のどういうとこが好き?
= Nihon no douiu toko ga suki?
= What do you like about Japan?
A: 人が優しいところです。
= Hito ga yasashii tokoro desu.
= The people are nice.
A: 食べ物が美味しいです。
= Tabemono gaoishii desu.
= The food is good.
A: 街がきれいです。
= Machi ga kirei desu.
= The streets are clean / beautiful.
A: 街がきれいです。
= Machi ga kirei desu.
= The streets are clean / beautiful.
Q: 日本の食べ物は食べられますか?
= Nihon no tabemono wa taberaremasu ka?
= (Literal meaning) Can you eat Japanese food?
= Do you have any problems with Japanese food?
(casual) 日本の食べ物は食べられる?
= Nihon no tabemono wa taberareru?
= Can you eat Japanese food?
Q: (polite) 日本の食べ物はお口に合いますか?
= Nihon no tabemono wa okuchi ni aimasu ka?
= Do you like Japanese food?
(polite) 日本の食べ物はお好きですか?
= Nihon no tabemono wa osuki desuka?
= Do you like Japanese food?
(casual) 日本の食べ物は好き?
= Nihon notabemono wa suki?
= Do you like Japanese food?
A: はい、好きです。
= Hai, suki desu.
= Yes, I like it.
A: 刺身以外ならなんでも好きです。
= Sashimi igai nara nandemo suki desu.
= I like everything except sashimi (raw fish)
Q: 何か食べられないものはありますか?
= Nanika taberarenai mono wa arimsu ka?
= Is there anything that you can’t eat? / you don’t like?
= Nanika taberarenai mono wa arimasen ka?
= Is there anything that you can’t eat? / you don’t like?
(casual) 何か食べられないものない?
= Nanika taberarenai mono nai?
= Is there anything that you can’t eat? / you don’t like?
Q: 苦手な食べ物はありますか?
= Nigatena tabemono wa arimasu ka?
= Is there anything that you can’t eat? / you don’t like?
(casual) 苦手な食べ物ある?
=Nigate na tabemono aru?
= Is there anything that you can’t eat? / you don’t like
Q: 納豆食べられますか?
= Nattou taberaremasu ka?
= Can you eat Natto (fermented soybeans)?
(casual) 納豆食べられる?
= Nattou taberareru?
= Can you eat Natto (fermented soybeans)?
納豆 = nattou
Q: 梅干しは大丈夫ですか?
= Umeboshi wa daijyoubu deus ka?
= Are you OK with “umeboshi” (Pickled plum)
(casual) 梅干し大丈夫?
= Umeboshi daijoubu?
= Are you OK with “umeboshi” (Pickled plum)
梅干し= umeboshi
A: はい、全く問題ありません。
= Hai, mattaku mondai arimasen.
= No problem.
A: はい、みんな好きです。
= Hai, minna suki desu.
= Yes, I like everything.
A: 納豆はちょっと….
= Nattou wa chotto..
= Natto is…(It is an unfinished sentence but it is a subtle way to say I am not very fond of Natto. )
A: 梅干しは苦手です。
= Umeboshi wa nigate desu.
= Umebosh (Pickled plum) doesn’t agree with me.
A: 食べたことがないのでわかりません。
= Tabeta koto ga nai node wakarimasen.
= I’ve never had one so I don’t know.
Q: お箸は使えますか?
= Ohashi wa tsukaemasu ka?
= (Literal meaning) Can you use chopsticks?
= Do you use chopsticks?
(casual) お箸使える?
= Ohashi tsukaeru?
= (Literal meaning) Can you use chopsticks?
= Do you use chopsticks?
A: はい、全く問題ありません。
= Hai,mattaku mondai arimasen.
= No problem.
A: 自分の国でもいつも使っているから大丈夫です。
= Jibun no kuni demo itsumo tsukatte iru kara daijoubu desu.
= I have been using chopsticks in my country so I have no problem.
!sushimaguro! Cultural note:
This type of questions along with “Can you eat 刺身 (=sashimi-raw fish) may offend you. But please be patient. They just trying to be considerate about you and your tastes.
Q: 日本語はわかりますか?
= Nihongo wa wakarimasu ka?
= Do you understand Japanese?
(casual) 日本語わかる?
= Nihongo wakaru?
= Do you understand Japanese?
= Nihongo wa hanasemasu ka?
= Do you speak Japanese?
(casual) 日本語、話せる?
= Nihongo, hanaseru?
= Do you speak Japanese?
(casual) 日本語、しゃべれる?
= Nihongo, shabereru?
= Do you speak Japanese?
= Nihogo de daijoubu desu ka?
= Are you able to communicate in Japanese? (Literally: Are you OK in Japanese?)
(casual) 日本語で大丈夫?
= Nihongo de daijoubu.
= Is Japanese OK (to speak to you)?
A: はい、話せます。
= Hai, hanasemasu.
= Yes, I do speak Japanese.
A: はい、少しなら話せます。
= Hai, sukoshi nara hanasemasu.
= Yes, I speak Japanese a little.
A: ゆっくり話してくれたら大丈夫です。
= Yukkuri hanashite kuretara daijoubu desu.
= Yes, if you speak to me slowly.
★Cultural note:
This is not a question but if you speak a little bit of Japanese, you will get
= Nihongo, (o) jouzu desune.
= Your Japanese is good.
= Nihongo, yoku shitte imasune.
= You know your Japanese.
How would you answer these compliments?
A: ありがとうございます。
= Arigatou gozaimasu.
= Thank you very much.
= Iie, demo mou nihon ni nankai mo kite imasukara.
= No, but I have been to Japan many times so…
If you want to sound more humble
A: いいえ、まだまだです。
= Iie, madamada desu.
= No, my Japanese is not good enough.
A: いいえ、まだ勉強中です。
= Iie, mada benkyou chuu desu.
= No, I am still working on it.
Q: 漢字は読めますか?
= Kanji wa yomemasu ka?
= Can you read kanji?
(casual) 漢字読める?
= Kanji yomeru?
= Can you read kanji?
A: 少し読めます。
= Sukoshi yomemasu.
= I can read kanji just a little.
A: ひらがなと片仮名は読めますが、漢字は読めません。
= Hiragana to katakana wa yomemasu ga, kanji wa yomemasen.
= I can read hiragana and katakana, but I can’t read kanji.
A: 全然、読めません。
= Zenzen, yomemasen.
= I can’t read kanji at all.
Do you want to blag
A: はい、日本人より知っています。(jokingly)
= Hai, nihonjin yori shitte imasu.
= Yes, I know more kanji than Japanese people.
If they know you speak Japanese, they might ask:
Q: 日本語はどこで勉強しましたか?
= Nihongo wa doko de benkyou shimashita ka?
= Where did you study Japanese?
(casual) 日本語はどこで勉強したの?
= Nihongo wa doko de benkyou shitano?
= Where did you study Japanese?
A: 専攻が日本語でした。
= Senkou ga nihongo deshita.
= My major was Japanese.
A: 大学で勉強しました。
= Daigaku de benkyou shimashita.
= I studied (Japanese) at University.
A: 独学です。
= Dokugaku desu.
= I studied (Japanese) on my own.
Q: どのぐらい、日本語を勉強しましたか?
= Donogurai, nihongo wo benkyou shimashita ka?
= How long have you been studying Japanese?
(casual) どのぐらい、日本語を勉強したの?
= Donogurai, nihongo wo benkyou shitano?
= How long have you been studying Japanese?
A: 3年ぐらい勉強しました。
= Sannen gurai benkyou shimashita.
= I have studied (Japanese) about three years.
Q: どこに泊まっているんですか?
= Doko ni tomatte irun desuka?
= Where are you staying?
(casual) どこに泊まっているの?
= Doko ni tomatte iru no?
= Where are you staying?
A: 品川駅の近くのホテルです。
= Shinagawaeki no chikaku no hoteru desu.
= (at) A hotel near Shinagawa station.
Q: これからどこに行くんですか?
= Korekara doko ni ikun desu ka?
= Where are you going/heading next?
(polite) これからどちらに行かれるのですか?
= Korekara dochira ni ikareru no desu ka?
= Where are you going/heading next?
(casual) これからどこに行くの?
= Kore kara doko ni iku no?
= Odaiba ni ikimasu.
= I am going to Odaiba.
A: ホテルに帰ります。
= Hoteru ni kaerimasu.
= I am going back to the hotel.
When you say good-bye, if you enjoy the conversation, say:
= Ohanashi dekite tanoshikatta desu.
= It was fun talking to you.
They might say
= Kochirakoso. Sore de wa ii tabi wo.
= Likewise, Have a nice trip.
= Kiwotsukete tanoshin de kudasai.
= Take care and have fun.
Then you say
= Arigatou gozaimasu.
= Thank you so much.
OK, I hope Maggie Sensei or other guest teacher will make a lesson on how to make friends in Japanese in future.
マギー先生より= Maggie Sensei yori = From Maggie Sensei.
= Tofu Sensei, Arigatou!
= Thank you Tofu-Sensei.
= Watashi wa nattou daisuki desuyo. Demo ohashi wo tsukau nowa muzukashii yone.
= I love Natto. But it IS difficult to use chopsticks, isn’t it?
Could you be my Patron?
I appreciate your support! サポートありがとう!
Hey, thanks for the lesson. Just want to let you know that there is a typo at “Nigatre na tabemono wa arimasu ka”.
Hi Hitokage,
Thank you for spotting the typo! 😊
Hello Maggie sensei,
Thanks a lot for your site! It’s great to learn the real life Japanese.
I have a question about this lesson. Would you mind answering it?
For the sentence, “I am here on business”, you teach use to use “仕事で来ます”。
Is it possible to say “仕事に来ます”
If possible, then what is the difference of them?
Thanks a lot for your site again.
Hi Bella
You mean from these quotes?
A: いいえ、仕事です。/仕事で来ました。
= Iie, shigoto desu. / Shigoto de kimashita.
= No, I am here on business.
仕事にきました sounds like
I came to the workplace (office /wherever you work at)
= (I cam here) I am here to work.
に means “to do something”
= I am here on business.
This で indicate the reason
Hi Maggie sensei,
Many thanks for your prompt answer. I really appreciate your reply!
I think I quite get your point.
I do apologize for my continuous confusing but could you help me one more !
Now I understand the で indicates the reason. So, I wonder if my understanding is correct or not.
If somebody asks “どうして日本に来たんですか” -> why question
Then we answer “勉強で来ました” (and avoid “勉強に来ました”)
If sbd asks “日本に何をしに来ましたか?” -> what question
Then we answer “勉強にきました” = I came here to study.
Do we need to avoid 勉強で来ました (because the question is what question, not why question)? Or both are OK?
Sorry again. But 助けてください^.<
Hi Bella,
Hum.. The word 勉強 doesn’t quite work with で
But 留学で来ました works. If you want to use a word 勉強, you can say
Hi Maggie sensei,
Lots of thanks and lots of love !
The way you answer each and each question from learner is great.
At first, I will apply what you’ve taught me.
(Though I still feel the difficulty with ~できます・~にきます….)
Japanese is so difficult because the exception case happens regardless of the defined grammar rule.
Thanks again for your site. You are star, Maggie sensei.
Hi Bella,
I guess you have to learn many patterns including all the exceptions. :)
Thank YOU for your nice words!
I am always here for you! がんばって! 😀
But it is all right to say nani ga mondai desu ka?
Im so confused! IF nani ka = “something” but nani ga = “what”, how will nanika mondai ga aru be translated into english?
Will it be translated as “Is there something/some problem?” Won’t “nani ga” be better translated as “What problem is there”? Sensei, Oshiete kudasai!!
The difference between “nani ka” and “nani ga”
1) nani ka + noun= any + noun / any + verb plain form + noun
Nani ka mondai ga arimasu ka?
→Are there any problems?
→Do you have any problems?
Ex. Nani ka taberu mono wa arimasu ka?
= Do you have anything to eat?
Ex. Nani ka petto wa katte imasu ka?
= Do you have any pets?
2) “nani ga” + adjective + da/ desu
“ga” is a subject marker.
Ex. Nani ga mondai desu ka?
= What is the problem.
Ex. Nani ga okashii no desu ka?
= What is funny?
Hi Maggie sensei,
Many thanks for your prompt answer. I really appreciate your reply!
I think I quite get your point.
I do apologize for my continuous confusing but could you help me one more !
Now I understand the で indicates the reason. So, I wonder if my understanding is correct or not.
If somebody asks “どうして日本に来たんですか” -> why question
Then we answer “勉強で来ました” (and avoid “勉強に来ました”)
If sbd asks “日本に何をしに来ましたか?” -> what question
Then we answer “勉強にきました” = I came here to study.
Do we need to avoid 勉強で来ました (because the question is what question, not why question)? Or both are OK?
Sorry again. But 助けてください^.<
ごめんなさいMaggie sensei.
This is my mistake in posting comment. I posted it in the wrong position.
I posted my reply again in our conversation already. Please help me !
Is there a difference between “nani ga mondai ga arimasu ka” and “nani ka mondai ga arimasu ka” and which would sound more natural for Japanese?
Hi Bob, Is anything wrong? in Japanese is
Nani ka mondai ga arimasuka
You don’t say nani ga mondai ga arimasu ka.
Thank you for another very informative lesson. As usual, the most easy sentences leave me in despair. 私の下手な日本語によって絶望した!! I had to laugh a bit reading this sentence: “Hai, sukoshi nara hanasemasu.” I can’t even grammatically understand that one… !cryingboy! Could you tell me, what the “nara” is for? Also in this one: “Sashimi igai nara nandemo suki desu.” I only guess it’s optional as I learned these sentences without “nara”, but I really would like to know its use.
Also, some more typos: look for “nihonji”, and the answer “Machi ga kirei desu.” is double.
First thank you for spotting the mistakes. I fixed them.
nara is used when you give certain condition.
So sukoshi nara hanasemasu. means,
(I don’t speak Japanese fluently but) if it is a little, I can speak.
Giving the condition of the speaker’s speaking ability which is “a little”
“Sashimi igai nara nandemo suki desu.
I eat anything but Sashimi. (If it is not Sashimi)
(In this case, the condition is “besides Sashimi)
Note for you:
お箸は使えないのにヌンチャクは自由自在に操る →haha! Is it true?
Just I don’t get the part 生身のもの????
私の下手な日本語によって絶望した →(to sound more natural) 自分の下手な日本語に絶望した。(→But it is not true!!! Your Japanese IS good!)
See how bad my Japanese is? I even have to explain my jokes.
生身のもの is supposed to mean “living creature(s)”, according to weblio. I wanted to say “living things” and I thought that 生き物 or 生物 were not quite fitting.
And yes, I practiced kung-fu and nunchaku for a few years, but nowadays the only thing I would hit is my own head. That’s why these days I’m rather using words than weapons, yet still I keep hitting myself…
Thanks for the explanation of the sentences. I know the conditionals, I just didn’t think they would apply here, especially to the first one. Because we would never say “If its a little, I can speak it.” Sounds strange as “little” it’s not really a condition, it’s an adverb. It’s like “I only can run slowly” –> “If it’s slow, I can run it”. Thats makes no sense. And in the sashimi sentence, “以外” already kind of markes the condition, so the conditional seems not necessary. I guess thats my problem, i didn’t expect conditionals, because both sentences seem to work without them.
Oh wow. You do practice kung-fu! かっこいい!
Will make なら lesson for you sometime. There are many usages. But at this point, just think the usage there is to emphasize the word which comes before なら
Ex. 明日なら行けます。
= If it is tomorrow, I can make it.
= I can make it TOMORROW (Not other day.)
is it —>[doko or nani]/[what or where]
Q: 日本の[どこ]が気に入りましたか?
= Nihon no [doko] ga kiniirimashita ka?
= [What] do you like about Japan?
(casual) 日本の[どこ]が好き?
= Nihon no [doko] ga suki?
= [What] do you like about Japan?
Q: 苦手な食べ物はありますか?
= nigate
[NIgatre] na tabemono wa arimasu ka?
= Ohanashi
[dektie]—>[dekite] tanoshikatta desu.
いつもありがとう、zoheb! I fixed the typos.
is it —>[doko or nani]/[what or where]
Q: 日本の[どこ]が気に入りましたか?
→Ahhh good point! You are right.どこ can be “where/what”. Since I already explained “where”, I wanted to give an example of “what” but it is confusing, huh?I changed the question.
Thank you!!! :)
A: 専攻が日本語でした。
= Senkou ga
[hihongo]—->[nihongo] deshita.
Thank you!!! boucingheart!
For these questions there wasn’t a translation added does the first set of questions mean “How long have you lived in Japan?” and the second set mean “Where have you been in Japan?”
= Nihon ni sunde donogurai desu ka?
= Nihon ni sunde donogurai nano?
Q: 日本ではどこに行きましたか?
= Nihon dewa dokoni ikimashitaka?
(polite) 日本ではどちらに行かれましたか?
= Nihon de wa dochira ni ikaremashitaka?
(casual) 日本ではどこに行ったの?
= Nihon dewa doko ni ittano?
Oh, sorry! I added the whole translation. :)
Oh! You added a translation for each variation. Sorry to cause you so much trouble! Thank you so much as always you are the best! Sometimes I feel like I’m annoying because I ask so many questions up here and on twitter lol :) thanks again
Not at all! You always have great questions!