= Jidori, jouzu ni dekiru kanaa.
= I wonder if I can take a good selfie….
Hi everyone! 元気?= Genki? = How are you doing?
I have been tweeting one word/expression/kanji almost everyday for years on Twitter.
Some of you asked me in the past how to see all my old tweets.
Of course you can see them on my Twitter timeline but this might be a bit of a pain to do, so I will repost some of the colloquial words from my past tweets and some new example sentences.
But since slang words change over time, I’ve eliminated the ones that we no longer use anymore. And you may not see some of them in a year or two. Only time will tell.
There is no order of this lesson. It’s all random. So just pick a word you like and study!
Hope you enjoy this lesson!!
★あるあるネタ=aruaru neta
= Topics that deal with interesting or fun common characteristics, experiences, phenomenon, behavior that many people notice and can relate to./ Things that can happen to anyone.
You say, ある! ある! (= Aru! Aru! ) when you hear someone has had the same or a very similar experience. It’s also used when you react to an experience that is “very common” and happena all the time.
This is used when people share topics / ネタ(= neta) that they find humorous — especially experiences that many people can relate to.
あるあるネタ= aruaruneta
Ex. 日本語あるある= Nihongo aruaru
Young Japanese people tend to repeat the same word in casual conversation.
Ex. ねえねえ=Nee nee
= Hey hey hey…..
Ex.そうそうそうそう = sou sou sou sou …
= That’s right, that’s right, that’s right……
Ex.ムリムリムリムリ = muri muri muri muri
= No way, no way, no way…..
Ex.見て見て見て!! = mite mite mite!! = Look, look, look!! …..
★完コピ= kankopi = to copy some performance, dance move, song, etc., perfectly.
Ex. Exileのダンスを完コピする
= Exile no dansu wo kankopi suru.
= To copy Exile’ dance perfectly.
★一押し= いちおし= イチ押し = ichioshi = highly recommended
Ex. イチ押しのアニメ
= ichioshi no anime
= highly recommended animation
Ex. 一押しのラーメン
= ichioshi no raamen
= highly recommended ramen
Ex. この店、一押しです!= Kono mise, ichioshi desu. = I highly recommended this restaurant/store/bar.
★どつぼ(ドツボ)にはまる= Dotsubo ni hamaru = to be in deep trouble. / to get stuck in the worst situation
Sometimes you just say どつぼ(ドツボ)= dotsubo
Ex. もうドツボ!
= Mou dotsubo! = I am in a big trouble!
★脈あり/アリ=myaku ari
=There is hope / Something is possible
(It’s from 脈がある= myaku ga aru = literally means “to have a pulse = to be alive)
Ex. 彼女は脈アリだ!
= Kanojo wa myaku ari da.
= I think she likes me!
★脈なし/ナシ= myaku nashi = There is no hope
Ex. 就職は脈なしです。
= Shuushoku wa myakunashi desu.
= I have no hope for getting a job.
★むずっ!= Muzú! = How difficult! / This is very difficult! / Oh, that’s so difficult!
★はずっ!=Hazú! = How embarrassing! (You can say that to yourself or someone else who just did something embarrassing.)
★爆睡する= bakusui suru= to sleep like a log/ to sleep very deeply.
Ex. 昨夜は爆睡した。
= Sakuya wa bakusui shita.
= I slept like a log last night.
★ぶっちゃけトーク=bucchake touku.
You also say 本音トーク(=honne touku) = an honest talk / a talk to reveal one’s real feelings
Ex. 今日はぶっちゃけトークしようか。
= Kyou wa bucchake touku shiyouka.
= Let’s talk frankly today.
★へたれ / ヘタレ= hetare = wuss, pushover, wimp
Ex. 私はヘタレだからなあ…
= Watashi wa hetare dakaranaa…
= I am a wimp so…
★弾丸ツアー= だんがんツアー= dangan tuaa = whirlwind tour/trip
We also say just 弾丸(=dangan). The literal meaning of 弾丸(=dangan) is bullet
Ex. 弾丸ツアーでフィンランドに行って来た。
= Dangan tuaa de finrando ni itte kita.
= I took a short and quick tour to Finland.
★ウケ狙い= ukenerai
= doing or saying something trying to make people laugh, or to get attention, a joke
Ex. バレンタインにウケ狙いのキャットフードをもらった。
= Barentain ni ukenerai no kyatto fuudo wo moratta.
= I got cat food as a joke on St.Valentine’s day.
★内輪ネタ=うちわネタ= uchiwa neta= inside joke
Ex. 内輪ネタで盛り上がった。
= Uchiwa neta de moriagatta.
= We had lots of fun laughing at our own inside jokes.
★NG = エヌジー= enu jii = a blooper, an outtake
Ex. NG集= enu jii shuu = Collection of Bloopers
★デコる= dekoru = to decorate things/ gadgets (with bling rhinestones )
Ex. デコ電= dekoden = decorated cell phone case
★~にハマる(=~ ni hamaru) ・~にハマっている(= ~ ni hamatte iru)
= to be into something
= Ima, Maggie Sensei no saito ni hamatte imasu.
= I am into Maggie Sensei’s site.
★ダメもと= damemoto = to have nothing to lose
Originally from 駄目で元々= だめでもともと= dame de motomoto
Ex. ダメもとでやってみます!
= Damemoto de yatte mimasu!
= I’ll give it a try because I’ve got nothing to lose!
★オソロ= おそろ= osoro
=(female speech) matching something (from the word お揃い= osoroi)
Ex. 友達とおそろのワンピを買った。
= Tomodachi to osoro no wanpi wo katta.
= I bought the same dress that my friend has.
(ワンピ=wanpi ←ワンピース= wanpiisu = a dress )
★コスパがいい= kosupa ga ii = (something is) good for its price
Ex. この店はコスパがいい。
= Kono mise wa kosupa ga ii.
= This place gives you your money’s worth.
★元カレ= moto kare =ex-boyfriend
★元カノ = moto kano =ex-girlfriend
★ 今カレ = imakare =current boyfriend
★今カノ = imakano = current girlfriend
Ex. 元カレと今カレをどうしても比べてしまう。
= Motokare to imakare wo doushite mo kurabete shimau.
= I can’t help comparing my current boyfriend and ex.
★パニクる= panikuru = to freak out, to panic
Ex. 頭がパニクっている。
= Atama ga panikutte iru.
= I am freaking out. I panicked.
= Cancelling on someone at the last minute.
Ex. 彼にドタキャンされた。
= Kare ni dotakyan sareta
= He cancelled on me at the last minute.
★やらせ= yarase = to be staged
Ex. あの番組は全部やらせだ
=Ano bangumi wa zenbu yarase da.
= That show is all staged.
★もろ/モロ= moro = totally
Ex. 彼、もろタイプ!=Kare moro taipu! = He is totally my type.
Ex. モロうざい= Moro uzai= Really annoying!
★まったりする= mattarisuru
= to chill out, to relax
Ex. 日曜日は家でまったりしてるよ。
= Nichiyoubi wa ie de mattari shiteruyo.
= I’m chillin’ at home on Sundays.
★グイグイ来る/ぐいぐい来る= guigui kuru
= describe someone pushy
Ex. 彼は、ちょっとグイグイ来すぎる。
= Kare wa, chotto guigui kisugiru.
= He is coming on too strong.
★ブチ切れる = buchigireru
= to be livid at ~ (to be furious, extremely angry)
Ex. マギーのおやつを食べたらブチ切れた。
= Maggie no oyatsu wo tabetara buchigireta
= I ate Maggie’s snack and she snapped at me.
★クリぼっち= kuribocchi
→クリスマス= kurismasu= Christmas
+ひとりぼっち= hitoribocchi = alone
= to spend Christmas day (or Eve) alone.
Ex. 今年もクリぼっちなんていやだ。
= Kotoshi wa kuribocchi nante iyada.
= I don’t want to spend Christmas alone again this year.
★ぼっち飯 = ぼっちめし= bocchimeshi = eating alone
Variation : 外食ぼっち飯 = gaishoku bocchimeshi = eating out alone
Ex. 大学で、ぼっち飯をするのが辛い。
= Daigaku de, bocchimeshi wo suru no ga tsurai.
= It is hard to eat alone at the university.
→From コソコソ練習する=kosokoso renshuu suru
= to practice something in secret.
Ex. カラオケでコソ練する。
= Karaoke de kosoren suru
= to practice singing karaoke in secret.
★ダサかわいい = dasakawaii= adorkable (→adorable + dorky)
Ex. ダサかわ女子
= Dasakawa joshi
= an “adorkable” girl
★ヘビロテ = hebirote
1. broadcasting or listening to the same music frequently
2. the outfits that you wear frequently.
Ex. このニット、ヘビロテ中!
= Kono nitto, hebirote chuu!
= I have been wearing this knitwear/sweater quite often.
★バイブス= baibusu = spirit, energy, vibes
バイブスが高い = baibusu ga takai = being hyper / psyched
バイブスを上げる= baibusu wo ageru = to get pumped up
Ex. バイブス上げていこう!
= Motto baibusu agete ikou!
= Let’s get pumped up!
★いつメン(イツメン)= itsumen
(→いつも(の = itsumono = usual)+ メンバー = menbaa = member)
= a group of your close friends that you always hang out with
Ex. いつメンで飲みに行った。
= Itsumen de nomi ni itta.
= I went out for a drink with the usual members.
★ジワジワくる= jiwa jiwa kuru
= Something gets funnier with time
Ex. ジワジワくる画像
= Jiwajiwa kuru gazou
= pictures that get funnier with time
★ノー勉 = nooben
(No + 勉強=benkyou = study)
= to have not studied at all/haven’t prepared for the exam or class
Ex. ノー勉で試験を受ける
= Nouben de shiken wo ukeru
= to take exams without studying
★フラゲ(する)= furage(suru)
(← フライングゲット= Furainngu getto = “Flying Get”)
= to buy a merchandise (CDs, DVDs and etc.) before its official release date.
Ex. AKBのCDをフラゲした。
= AKB no CD wo furage shita.
= I bought AKB’s CD before its official release date.
★シャレオツ= shareotsu = fashionable, cool
→It came from the word オシャレ= お洒落 = oshare = fashionable
Ex. シャレオツな曲= Shareotsu na kyoku = cool songs
★1ミリ(mm)も = ichimiri mo = not at all (literal translation Not even one millimeter)
Ex. そんなこと1ミリも思っていないよ。
= Sonna koto ichimiri mo omotte inaiyo.
= I don’t think that way at all.
★鬼(オニ)のように= (emphasizing)
=a lot, super, extremely, very, like a boss
Ex. オニのようにかわいい = Oni no you ni kawaii = VERY cute
Ex. 鬼のように働く = Oni no you ni hataraku = to work like a boss
★マシュマロ女子 = mashumaro joshi
=(the literal meaning) a “marshmallow” girl.
It refers to a chubby girl in a cute and positive way.
For chubbier girls, おしゃカワ・テディさん(=Oshakawa Tedii san)
Ex. マシュマロ女子必見アイテム
= Mashumaro joshi hikken aitemu
= Must-check items for chubby girls.
★ バカッコイイ
バカ = baka = stupid, silly + かっこいい = kakkoii = cool )
= insanely cool
There was a meme to make a videos among high school students of this.
Check, the link.
★ イケメソ( = ikemeso) = a cute / handsome guy
I think it’s only for writing but it is from a slang word for a cute guy, イケメン ( = ikemen).
The katakana letter ン ( = n) looks like ソ( = so) and they simply switch the letter.)
★ もふもふ/モフモフ = to describe something fluffy and soft
verb★モフモフする( = mofumofu suru)
モフる( = mofuru) = to feel, pet or hold a fluffy animal.
Ex. 猫をモフる
= Neko wo mofuru
= to feel and enjoy touching fluffy cat
= The literal meaning is “Wall Bam!”
It means cornering someone against the wall with one’s arm.
It is considered to be one of very romantic actions in the girl’s comic books. But be careful. It could be REALLY annoying.
★借りパク= karipaku
= (借りる= kariru = to borrow + パクる= pakuru = to steal)
= to borrow something and never return it.
Ex. ごめん、この間、借りたCD、ずっと借りパクしてた。
= Gomen, kono aida, karita CD, zutto karipaku shiteta.
= Sorry! I haven’t returned your CD that I borrowed the other day.
I have tweeted some “gal” slang words but many of them are gone.
So I will just post some of them. Please note that some of these may eventually fall out of use and become 死語(=shigo) dead words.
★ かわたん = kawatan = cute
From かわいい = kawaii = cute
★ つらたん= 辛たん = tsuratan
From 辛い = tsurai= hard, painful,tough
★ やばたん = yabatan
From やばい = Yabai= dangerous, great, awesome
Note: The suffix たん ( = tan) gives the word “cuteness”
★とりま ( = torima)
A short form of とりあえず、まあ
= for now, in the meantime, I guess… anyway
Ex. 雨だけどとりま出かけようかな!
= Ame dakedo torima dekakeyou kana.
= It’s raining but I guess I will go out anyway.
★ もうマヂ~= REALLY, SERIOUSLY (emphasizing)
Note: You usually write マジ ( = maji) but they change the spelling on purpose,
マヂ ( = mazi) but the pronunciation is the same. NOTE: マジ & マヂ are both pronounced the same –> maji.
Ex. もうマヂ最高 = Mou mazi saikou = GREAT! / Awesome!
Ex. もうマヂ最悪= Mou maji saiaku= It sucks!
Ex. マヂ無理= Maji muri = No way!
< Colloquial words that you use on Internet / Cellphone >
★即レス = sokuresu = a quick reply
Verb: 即レスする = sokuresu suru = to reply someone’s message immediately
遅レス = osoresu = a late reply
亀レス = kameresu = a very late reply (From 亀=kame=a turtle is very slow)
Ex. LINEで即レスする女の子は脈ありかも。
= Line de sokuresu suru onnano ko wa myaku ari kamo.
= The girl who respond to your message on LINE may like you.
★写メ = shame = pictures that you take with your cellphone
Ex. 写メ送って!
= Shame okutte!
= Send me the picture (that you took with your cellphone)!
* 写メを撮る
= shame wo toru
= to take a picture with one’s cellphone
Also say → 写メる = shameru = to take a picture with one’s cellphone
Ex. 写メ撮っていい?
= Shame totte ii?
= Can I take a picture with my cellphone?
★自撮り= jidori = selfie
From → 自分撮り= jibun dori = to take one’s own picture
The stick you attach to your cellphone to take selfies is called
自撮り棒 = jidoribou = selfie stick
★パクツイ= pakutsui
→From パクる = pakuru = (slang) to steal + ツイ=tsui = tweet)
= to steal/copy someone’s tweets and repost them as your own tweet.
★スマホ裸族 = Sumaho razoku
= People who don’t use smartphone cases.
Org. 裸族 = rasoku = naked tribe
★寝落ち = neochi
= falling asleep unintentionally while doing something
(Ex. playing an online game,talking on the phone, etc.)
Ex. 昨日、LINEでトーク中に寝落ちしちゃった。
= Kinou rain de tooku chuu ni neochi shichatta.
= I fell asleep while chatting on LINE.
★着拒 = chakkyo
= blocking unwanted (or annoying) calls or texts from specific people
(→abbreviation of 着信拒否= chakushin kyohi)
Ex. 彼女から着拒されているみたいだ。
= Kanojo kara chakkyo sarete iru mitaida.
= It looks like she has been blocking my calls/texts on her cellphone.
★コピペ = kopipe = copy and paste
(verb form)
*コピペする = kopipe suru
Ex. めんどくさいから同じメッセージをコピペして出しておいた。
= Mensoku sai kara onaji messiji wo kopipe shite dashite oita.
= It is a lot of work so I copied and pasted the same messsent the same message
★ ガラケー = garakee = an old fashioned cell phone.
ガラパゴス携帯 = garapagosu keitai= Galapagos cell phone
= It refers to an old fashioned cell phone
(⇔スマホ = (sumaho) = smart phone)
Ex. まだ、ガラケー使ってるの?早く、スマホに買い替えたら?
= Mada, garakee tsukatteruno? Hayaku, sumaho ni kaikae tara?
= Are you still using that old fashioned cell phone? It is about time to get a smartphone, you know.
★ 情弱 = joujaku
From ← 情報弱者 = jouhou jakusha
= Information illiterate, a person who lacks IT knowledge
⇔★情強 = joukyo = A person who knows a lot about IT.
★アマゾる = amazoru = to buy something on Amazon
Ex. 昨日、アマゾった本が届いた。
= Kinou, amazotta hon ga todoita.
= I got a book that I ordered on Amazon yesterday.
Ex. アマゾろっと!
= Amazorotto!
= I am going to buy this(them) on Amazon!
★飯テロ(めしテロ)= meshitero
= posting pictures of appetizing food on net. ( food porn)
verb: 飯テロする= meshitero suru
Ex. 飯テロ注意! = Meshitero chuui! = Food porn alert!
★KS = 既読スルー= kidoku suruu
LINE is a very popular Social Network communication app in Japan. When you send a message to someone and they read your message, they shows the sign 既読 (= kidoku) =“Read” (to have already read).
Now スルー(=suruu) is another slang word which came from an English word “through” and it means “to ignore“
Ex. スルーする= suruu suru = to ignore
So KS = 既読スルー (=kidoku suruu) means to leave (ignore) the message that you read without replying.
Ex. また既読スルーされた!
= Mata kidoku suruu sareta!
= I got ignored my message (after they read it) again.
★ネタバレ注意 = Netabare chuui = spoiler alert
You see this word often on the blogs where they talk about movies, animation or TV dramas.
★ 口コミ= クチコミ = kuchikomi = word of mouth
Ex. 口コミで広がる
= kuchikomi de hirogaru
= to spread by word of mouth
★リピする= ripi suru
From the verb リピートする(=ripiito suru)
= to repeat, to keep using~, to order/buy~ again
Ex. この化粧品リピします。
= Kono keshouhin ripi shimasu.
= I will order this cosmetic product again.
★イケボ= ikebo (←イケメンボイス= lit. “good looking guy’s voice”)
= Cool and attractive voice which is associated with a good looking man
★激=geki ~ = super ~
Ex. 激ヤバ= gekiyaba = to be in a big trouble / VERY dangerous / Super cool
Ex. 激ダサ= gekidasa = super dorky
Ex. 激カワ= gekikawa = super cute
Ex. 激おこ= geki oko = super angry
!happyface! This is a kind of old meme but the degree of how angry you are.
おこ= oko
まじおこ= maji oko
激おこぷんぷん丸= gekioko punpun maru
ムカ着火ファイアー= mukachakka faiaa
カム着火インフェルノォオオオウ= Kamuchakka inferunooooou!
激おこスティックファイナリアリアティぷんぷんドリーム= Gekioko sutikku fainariritii punpun doriimu
マギー先生より= Maggie Sensei yori = From Maggie Sensei yori
= Jidori shitara pinboke ni nacchatta.
= My selfie turned out to be out of focus.
Will you be my Patron?
I appreciate your support! サポートありがとう!
Maggie先生、ご説明してくださってありがとうございました!I was wondering about 既読スルー. Basically, I understand this as the equivalent of the English slang expression “left on read” but I heard there’s another way to say this in Japanese that’s made up of four kanji? Something like 〜無視? I’ve seen my friends use it but I can’t remember it!
Again, thank you for all the work you put into your lessons!
Hello Meghann
スルー is slang for 無視. They both mean “to ignore”
彼女に無視された。/ 彼女にスルーされた。
= Kanojo ni mushi sareta./ Kanojo ni suruu sareta.
= (literal meaning) I got ignored by her.
= ( She ignored me.)
Hello Maggie-sensei!
As of lately I have seen a lot of people writing something like
in their twitter profiles.
Sometimes there’s also a number in front like:
Do you know what that means? I have tried to find answers in Japanese but still could not really understand it..
Thank you very much!
無言フォローすみません。 /無言フォローごめんなさい。
It is a Twitter formality. Some people say something before they follow someone else on Twitter.
Like フォローさせてください。Let me follow you (on Twitter).
or フォローしてもいいですか? Can I follow you(on Twitter)? (asking for their permission)
If you just follow someone without saying anything, it’s called 無言フォロー
So, people who don’t want to trouble asking every time they follow someone, they write in their profile,
“Sorry but I will just follow people without asking them if I can follow them or not”
20↑ means that person is over 20 years old and if he/she is under 20 years old, 20↓
Ahh I see, that makes sense!
Thank you very much for the fast response! :)
You’re very welcome, Emu! :)
Hello there!
Thanks a lot for this very useful article. I’d love to translate it to french on my blog. Would you give me the authorization to do that? I’ll OF COURSE put a link to your website and explaining that I just did the translation, and didn’t write the content. Would you mind? boucingheart!
Bien sûr!
Leave the link here so that I can study French. :)
Thank you for doing all this amazing lessons and keeping this site full of information !niconico!
I laughed a lot readind this lesson. You Japanese people are so creative hahaha
You are the best!! !DANCING!
Hello Lia,
Thank you for the nice comment! Good to know that you enjoyed reading this lesson. That makes me very happy!! :)
Thank you sensei! It cleared a lot of confusions (・ω・)ノ
Hi Chie!! Glad to hear this lesson clear some confusions!!!
こんいちわ maggie せんせい
I am really glad to found your website,
You just found this page?
I hope you enjoy learning Japanese here. ❤
Maggie/ゆかり さん、
I chance upon your site while looking for [~いられない]. It is really informative and lots of effort put into it. o(^▽^)o
こんにちは、Ceres! はじめまして!
We are very happy that you found our page.
これからもよろしく ♥
A great lesson, Sensei. I enjoy it so much <3
Happy to hear you enjoyed it. :)