Hi everyone!
I am back!!! !JYANE!
I know this site is still under construction and we still need to fix so many things.
I tentatively fixed here and there and I think I can finally post a new lesson now. Yay!
= Omatase shimashita!
= Thank you for waiting!
Until our real webmaster fixes everything, please be patient with the current layout, OK?
I will do my best posting new lessons with my little paws.
All right. While I was away, I have been posting mini lessons on Facebook.
They are all short lessons but some people asked me if I can post them on this site eventually.
There are over 30 lessons so I will start posting them adding more information and example sentences.
Are we ready?
So today’s key phrase is
:k: 久しぶり (casual)
= Hisashiburi
= It has been a long time. / Long time no see!
= Ohisashiburi!
(a bit politer than 久しぶり = Hisashiburi and women tend to use this more than men.)
(more polite)
= Ohisashiburi desu.
Many of you already know 久しぶり ( = hisashiburi) but some may not know
= Gobusata shite imasu.
You can say that to people who you haven’t seen for a long time. Also this is a very common line to start a letter to people who you haven’t seen/written for a long time.
(very formal )
= Taihen gobusata shite orimasu.
(formal )
= Gobusata shite imasu.
= Gobusata desu.
(very casual)
= Gobusata!
Compared to お久しぶりです。 ( = Ohisashiburi desu)
ご無沙汰しています ( = Gobusata shiteimasu) is more polite and it sounds more apologetic and humble.
It involves the feelings such as “I am sorry that I haven’t visited you/haven’t written to you so long.”
So when someone says
:ii: ご無沙汰しています
= Gobusata shiteimasu
= It has been a long time. I must apologize for my long silence.
You say,
:kkk: (いえいえ)こちらこそ、(ご無沙汰しています。)
= (Ieie) Kochirakoso (Gobusata shiteimasu.)
= (Oh no,) it is me who has to apologize for not contacting you so long.
★久しぶりに(= hisashiburini) for the first time in a long time, in ages
Ex. 久しぶりにマギーと映画を観に行った。
= Hisashiburini Maggie to eiga wo mini itta.
= I went to a movie with Maggie for the first time in a long time.
Ex. 久しぶりに運動した。
= Hisashiburi ni undou shita.
= I worked out for the first time in a long time.
Ex. 久しぶりにマギーに会った。
= Hisashiburi ni Maggie ni atta.
= I saw Maggie for the first time in a long time.
You can also say
= Shibarakuburi
Let’s focus on the word ぶり ( = buri)
a period of time + 振り/ぶり ( = buri) = for the first time in ~/ after an interval
Ex. 十年ぶりに東京に行った。
= Juuen buri ni Toukyou ni itta.
= I went to Tokyo for the first time in ten years.
Ex. 11月に雪が降るなんて何年ぶりだろう。
= Juuichigatsu ni yuki ga furunante nannen buri darou.
= It has been years since it snowed in November last.
When we see someone who we haven’t seen for a long time, we say
Ex. わ〜久しぶり!何年ぶり? !onpu!
= Waa hisashiburi! Nannen buri?
= Wow! It has been a long time? How many years we haven’t seen each other? / When did we see each other last?
マギー先生より ( = Maggie sensei yori) From Maggie Sensei
= HIsashiburi no ressun doudeshitaka?
= How did you like my first lesson in a long time?
Will you be my Patron?
I appreciate your support! サポートありがとう!
If someone says “昼ぶり” does that mean “I haven’t seen you since noon?” In the past I have only seen ぶり used after specific measurements of time like days, weeks, years, etc so I wasn’t sure.
It’s very conversational but it means “I haven’t seen you (Or It has been) since noon (or day time)”
You are right. You usually say “time period word” + ぶり
Thank you for your quick reply. Also, thank you so much for making this website! This is my first time leaving a comment but I have used it many times before and it was very helpful.
You’re very welcome, Joy!
And thank YOU for using this site! :)
!heart3! I love ur lessons sensei! Very helpful..greetings from イタリア :maggie-small:
Grazie mille! チコ!I’m glad to hear you like the lessons here.
Hi, Maggie sensei! Excelent post!
I was wondering if I can use “ご無沙汰しています” with someone who I haven’t messaged (long distance friendship) in a long time. And also, how do I ask the person if he/she has been doing well? Is “元気でしたか” appropriate?
Thank you in advance!
Yes, you can write ご無沙汰しています. (If you are very close to that person, you can also say 久しぶり/お久しぶり(です))
And you can say 元気でしたか? (more polite お元気でしたか)
Thanks for all of your hard work, Maggie.
I was wondering if it’s possible to use 久しぶりに~ in a negative sentence?
i.e. “I haven’t used Japanese in a long time” -> “久しぶりに日本語が使わなかった”
If not, could you give an example of an alternative that I could use in this situation?
Thanks! :)
Hello Daniel,
You can use 久しぶりに in a negative sentence only when you haven’t done something for the first time in a long time.
Ex. 久しぶりに仕事をしなかった。
= Hisashiburi ni shigoto wo shinakatta.
= I didn’t work for the first time in a long time.
But if you haven’ done for a long time, you say
= Zutto ~ shite inai
= Nagai aida ~ shite inai
= Shibaraku ~ shite inai
“I haven’t used Japanese in a long time”
= ずっと/長い間/ しばらく日本語の勉強をしていない。(or 日本語を勉強していない)
= Zutto / Nagaiaida / Shibaraku nihongo no benkyou wo shiteinai. (or nihongo wo benkyou shiteinai)
Thank you!
The sentence you gave means “I haven’t studied Japanese in a long time”, could I just say 長い間日本語が使わなかった for “I haven’t used Japanese in a long time”?
@Daniel Crane
久しぶりに〜した and 長い間〜していない are different.
1) I haven’t used Japanese in a long time.
= 長い間、日本語を使っていない。
(Focusing the time when you haven’t studied Japanese.)
the listeners/readers think the speaker/writer hasn’t studied Japanese for a long time up to now.
2) I used Japanese for the first time in a long time.
(Focusing on the fact that you used Japanese.)
thanky for help . I m in process of translation selected part of ” Hotaru no hikari ” as my base for cach up possibility for speaking . Yoroshikugozaimasu !
@wlad kioshi nowak
Ganabatte! !JYANE!
(yoroshikugozaimasu →I think you mean “Yoroshiku onegai shimasu”)
Sensei, how to say ” its have been one year since your gone (he passed away) ”
あなた(or his name)がいなくなって*から1年経ちます。
= Anata (or his name) ga inaku natte kara ichinen tachimasu.
いなくなってから means “since you are gone”. You can use this line for someone who passed away.
There are many ways to say “passed away”
= Nakunatte kara
(In my opinion, it is too direct)
You can also say,
= Kono yo kara tabidatte kara
39 for your complete, very flashy (ee, no, no 39 for that !ase! ) and useful lessons.
Y often listen Sashi Buri, isen’t the very casual form for Hisashi Buri? personaly Y prefere it. Sashi Buri Ne,Scar Chain! (Go! Go! Genka-chan!)
…Y love those smileys…
Hi Konbanwa!
I am glad you like the smileys and found my lesson useful. I appreciate your feedback. Yes Sashiburi must be a casual form for Hisashiburi.
(Sorry but I got to delete all the F words here. Not coolだよ. )
沙汰はいろいろな意味がありますが、deed,conduct incident, case, issue, matter, notice, news, etc. という意味があります。
狂気の沙汰はcrazy deedで事件、事柄と考えていいです。
他にも裁判沙汰= saiban zata= taking some cases into court, 暴力沙汰= bouryoku zata = an instance of violence, 音沙汰がない(haven’t heard from someone) などの言葉でよく使います。
Sensei congratulations on your full comeback! :D I shall bookmark this lesson and attack it once I finish with all the mini lessons in the lesson index! XD
Thank you!!!
I will add 30 more lessons. Be ready!!
Aah! 30!? Sensei, overwhelmed! Happily overwhelmed though. XD My body is ready, maybe. XD
Yes, over 30 lessons are coming! I’m glad “your body” is ready!
A great lesson with a perfect theme as allways, thanks! =)
Let’s see if I got the ”振り” idea
“Today I met with a friend in the bus after 6 years”=”今日、バスで六年ぶりに友達と合った” ?
先に動画を見た。先生は私が思う人だったら驚いています! 一ヵ年にしかスペイン語を勉強していますか? その場合は、とっても上手くしてるよ!
久しぶりのコメントですね。OK じゃあ、直しますね。
Almost! 合った→会った
Hahaha, you saw the Japanese4Morons’s video? She is Tomokosan and she is not related to us. Sorry! :)
V (し) てくれてありがとう!