= Shigoto dan! Oyatsu nau! Hirune uiru!
= Done with my work! Snack now! Will take a nap!
Hi everyone! 元気?(=Genki?) How are you doing?
Let’s study something fun today.
Many of you have asked me to make more slang lessons.
So today we’ll learn some Japanese Twitter slang.
(For new visitors: I have been posting mini-lessons and quizzes on Facebook and Twitter/X — in addition to the lessons on this site.
I have started Instagram as well. Please follow me if you like! !
It is always fun to interact with my net friend-students! )
I already made some net slang lessons before.
ググる ( = guguru) in Oct, 2010.
And I’ve taught you some Twitter words like なう ( = nau) back in April, 2010.
アバウト ( = abaouto) + 細かい( = komakai)+ Twitter words lesson.
It has been over two years since I made these lessons. So it’s time to add updated net slang words. Like many other slang words, these types of words are always changing. Some of them will most likely be obsolete and disappear in a few years. Still, slang words are fun to learn and some of them are very creative. Once you learn some patterns you may be able to coin your own new slang word. But just be careful. These are net slang. You may get strange looks if you say some of them verbally.
I will try to cover as many words as possible. Even Japanese people may not know them — especially if they are not familiar with Twitter. If you are not sure how to use certain words or want to check if people are still using them, use the search on Twitter. Type in the words you want to know and check how Japanese people use it.
Here we go!!
⭐️ Tweeting :
I once taught you the verb, to tweet in Japanese is つぶやく ( = tsubuyaku). You can also say,
★ツイる ( = tsuiru) : a verb to tweet, to do twitter
Ex. それ、誰かが昨日、ツイってたよ。
= Sore, darekaga kinou, tsuitteta yo.
= Oh, someone was tweeting about that.
Ex. 朝、ツイってたら学校に遅刻した。
= Asa, tsuittetara gakkou ni chikoku shita.
= I was tweeting this morning and got to school late.
Ex. これ、忘れないうちにツイっとくね。
= Kore wasurenai uchi ni tuittoku ne.
= I will tweet about this before I forget.
★つい/ ツイ ( = tsui) noun tweet(s),
Ex. マギー先生のツイで勉強したら?
= Maggie sensei no tsui de benkyou shitara?
= Why don’t you study with Maggie Sensei’s tweets?
★ツイ消し= tsuikeshi = to delete/remove tweets
★爆ツイ ( = bakutsui) the literal translation is “explosive tweet” and it means “massive tweets” “to tweets a lot during certain periods of time.”
Ex. 爆ツイしすぎてリムられた。
= Bakutsui shisugite rimurareta.
= I tweeted too much and (as a result) have been removed from someone’s follow list.
Note : I will explain リムられる ( = rimurareru) later. )
★ツイ減 / ツイゲン ( = tsuigen ) to reduce the number of tweets
Ex. 明日、試験があるのでツイ減します。
= Ashita, shiken ga aru node tsuigen shimasu.
= I will tweet less because I have an exam tomorrow.
⭐️ Twitter friends / Twitter users :
★ツイ友 ( = tsuitomo) Twitter friends, one’s friends on Twitter
📝 Note : I see many of my Twitter followers write to Japanese Twitter users in Japanese. I think it is a great way to study Japanese.
Write some Japanese lines in your プロフィール ( purofiiru) = (slang) プロフ ( = puforu) Profile.
⭐️Other slang for friends. :
★ズッ友 ( = zuttomo ) abbreviation of ずっと友達 ( = zutto tomodachi) long lasting friend
★メル友 ( = merutomo) e-mail pals, cyber friends
★リア友 ( = riatomo) one’s friends in real life (off net)
★ツイ飲み ( = tsuinomi) to drink with your ツイ友 ( = tsuitomo) twitter friends as if you are drinking together in one place while tweeting.
★ツイッタラー/ついったらー ( = tsuittaraa ) Twitter user
📝 Note : You may wonder why we write the same words in katakana and hiragana. It has been a trend to write katakana words in hiragana maybe it’s because hiragana is round so it looks cuter and warmer.
★アルファツイッタラー/あるふぁツイッタラー ( = arufa tuittaraa ) an “alpha” twitter user, a very influential twitter user who has many followers.
★(number) ケタフォロワー ( = ~ follower ) = ~ digits followers
ケタ ( = keta) = 桁( = keta) = digit(s)
Ex. 彼はもう5ケタフォロアーがいる。
= Kare wa mou goketa foroaa ga iru.
= He already followers in the five digits.
★クラスタ ( = kurasuta) from an English word “cluster”, a fan, a group of people who share one’s interests.
Ex. ナルトクラスタ ( = Naruto kurasuta) Naruto fans, a group of people who love Naruto.
Ex. 嵐クラスタ ( = Arashi kurasuta ) Arashi fans, a group of people who love Arashi
Ex. ふぁぼクラスタ ( = Fabo kurasuta) a group of people who are addicted to favoriting others’ tweets or get people to favorite their tweets.
Ex.ネタクラスタ ( = Neta kurasuta) a group of people who just focus on tweeting interesting catchy tweets.
★ツイ廃(人) ( = tsuihai(jin) ) a person who is addicted to Twitter to the point that it ruins their real social life.
★ツイドル ( = tsuidoru) A person who got popular on Twitter. (It doesn’t include people who are already popular and get a lot of followers on Twitter.)
⭐️ Twitter account :
★あか/アカ/垢 ( = aka) : an abbreviation of アカウント( = akaunto ) account
(I don’t know why they use the kanji 垢 ( = aka) because it means “grime, scurf” but it has the same sound “aka” so they just got a strange phonetically equivalent word.)
As you know unlike Facebook, Twitter users can be totally anonymous and you can name your account any name you like.
When you start to tweet, you give your Twitter name to your friends, etc. But sometimes you don’t want your coworkers or supervisors etc. to know what you tweet.
So some people make a couple of different accounts to disguise who they really are.
★本アカ/ 本垢 ( = honaka) real account, main account
★別垢 ( = betsuaka = separate account
★副垢 ( = fukuaka ) sub account
★捨て垢 ( = suteaka) the fake account (It is expected to be “deleted”)
★身内垢 ( = miuchi aka ) an account for your close friends or family
★鍵垢 ( = kagi aka) an account which has a lock ( = 鍵 = kagi)
★規制垢 ( = kisei aka) a sub account just in case when your other account get rate limit. (Twitter limit the number of your tweets, followers, DM,etc.)
★垢バレ( = akabare ) when you have a Twitter account and someone close to you figures out who you really are. (バレ( = bare) is from a verb ばれる ( = bareru) to expose the secret)
⭐️ Interaction words :
★フォロー/ふぉろー ( = forou) following
a verb : フォローする ( = foroou suru ) to follow
If someone follows you, you say
Ex. フォロー有り難うございます。(formal)
= Forou arigatou gozaimasu.
= Thank you for following me.
Ex. フォローしてくれて有り難う!(casual)
= Forou shite kurete arigatou!
= Thank you for following me.
★ヒョロー ( = hyoroo ) the slang of フォロー ( = forou)
★相互フォロー ( = soufo forrow ) mutual following, following each other
Ex. 相互フォローお願いします。
= Sougo forou onegai shimasu.
= (I followed you so) Please follow back.
📝 Note : The word 相互 ( = sougo) means mutual
If you have a blog, some might ask you to 相互リンク ( = sougo rinku) mutual link.
★拡散希望 ( = kakusan kibou ) Retweet and spread my tweet please.
People usually use this word for urgent or important matters or some people use it for business.
★フォロバ / ふぉろば ( = foroba) to follow back
an abbreviation of フォローバック ( = forou bakku ) follow back
= Yokkattara foroba shite kudasai.
= Please follow me back if it is possible. (if you like.)
★フォロバあり/ ふぉろばあり ( = f oroba ari) Thank you for following
an abbreviation of フォローバック(してくれて)ありがとう ( = Forrou bakku shite kurete arigatou. ) Thank you for following me back.
📝 Note : ~あり( ~ ari ) Thank you…
If you want to make it sound more polite you could also say ~ありです ( = ~aridesu)
You will see this pattern a lot in this lesson.
★ファボる/ ふぁぼる ( = faboru ) to mark “favorite” someone’s tweet
past tense: ファぼった / ふぁぼった ( = fabotta ) marked “favorite” someone’s tweet.
ファボあり/ ふぁぼあり ( = fabo ari ) Thank you for “favoriting” my tweet
★ふぁぼ魔 ( = faboma) a person who loves or is obsessed with favoriting other’s tweets.
★リツイ ( = ritsui) (←リツイート ( = ritsuiito) Retweet)
verb : リツイする ( = ritsui suru) to retweet
リツイあり ( = ristui ari) Thank you for retweeting.
★リムる ( = rimuru ) to remove someone from your twitter friends list
passive form: リムられる ( = rimurareru ) to be removed from someone’s twitter follow list (to be unfollowed)
★呼びタメOK ( = yobitame OK) You can call me without san or kun and talk to me casually.
As you know we have 敬語 ( = keigo) honorific expression, 丁寧語 ( =teineigo) polite expression but if you keep using the formal words, you may never get close to a person.
So some people ask you from the beginning to talk to them casually especially when you address that person, not to use ~さん ( =san) and instead address them by their first name or nickname.
If you are not sure how to refer to someone, you can just ask that person this way,
Ex. どうやって呼べばいい? (casual)
= Douyatte yobeba ii?
= What should I call you?/ How would you like me to call you?
= Maggie tte yonde (kudasai).
= (Please) just call me Maggie.
📝 Note : タメ ( = tame) is from タメ口 ( = tameguchi) or タメ語 ( = tamego). I explained them in this lesson.
★絡む ( = karamu ) to interact with someone
絡む ( = karamu) originally means “to get tangled” or “to pick a fight with someone” but it means “to interact with someone” by tweeting.
For example, if you want someone to interact with you, you say
Ex. 誰か絡んで下さい。
= Dare ka karan de kudasai .
= Anybody wants to interact with me (on Twitter)?
= Dondon karande kudasai.
= I’d love for you to interact with me a lot.
We use this slang word in real world (offline world) ,too.
Ex. 彼は絡みにくい!
= Karewa karaminikui!
= He is hard to interact with.
★追いツイ ( = oitsui) reading through some Twitter user’s past tweets.
verb : 追いツイする ( = oitsui suru)
★ブロる ( = buroru ) to block someone
abbreviation of ブロックする ( = burokku suru ) to block.
passive form : ブロられる ( = burorareru ) to be blocked
Ex. 何もしていないのにブロられた。
= Nani mo shite inainoni burorareta.
= I didn’t do anything, but I got blocked.
★リプ ( = ripu) a reply
Ex. リプ遅くなってごめんなさい。
= Ripu osoku natte gomennasai.
= Sorry for the late reply.
verb :リプする ( = ripu suru ) (a verb) to reply
Ex. リプした ( = ripu shita ) replied
★おはリプ ( = Oha ripu) a reply to someone who said “おはよう ( = Ohayou) Good morning” to you.
Maggie : 「おはよう!」= Ohayou! = Good morning!
You : 「マギー先生、おはよう!」( = Maggie Sensei Ohayou!) = Good morning, Maggie Sensei!
Maggie : 「おはリプあり!」( = Oharipu ari!) = Thank you for replying to my “Good morning!” tweet.
Ex. ごめんなさい、おはリプするの忘れてた。
= Gomennasai. Oharipu suru no wasureteta.
= Sorry! I forgot to reply to your “Good morning” tweet.
★いてらリプ ( = Itera ripu) a reply to someone who said “いってらっしゃい ( = Itterasshai) “Have a nice day” to you when you leave.
★オヤリプ ( = Oya ripu) a reply to someone who said “おやすみ ( = Oyasumi (nasai)) Good night” to you.
★ 空中リプ(ライ) ( = kuuchuu ripu (rai))
abbreviation 空リプ( = kuu ripu/sora ripu)
subtweet, tweeting about someone . reacting to someone’s tweets without mentioning their username (adding→ @ ) so that they don’t know you are talking about them.
★ばずる ( = bazuru ) You can see the popular trend words on Twitter on the site called buzztter.
Ex. 「卒業式」がばずってる!
= ” Sotsugyoushik”i ga bazutteru.
= The word “Sotsugyoushiki = graduation” is on buzztter trend word?
Ex. なんでこの写真がばずってるの?
= Nande kono shashin ga bazutteruno?
= How come this picture is listed on “buzztter” now?
⭐️ Other net slang words :
These are not just for Twitter but you will see/hear the following slang expressions often on Twitter or on the net.
★ディする/ Disる ( = disuru ) to disrespect someone (to make fun of someone, to look down on someone.)
It is said that it originally came from HipHop culture.
passive form★ディすられる/ Disられる(= disurareru ) I got disrespected by someone.
Ex. あいつにDisられた。(rough)
= Aitsu ni disurareta.
= That guy looked down on me. (“I was treated badly by him.”)
★リスる ( = risuru ) to respect someone
★ワロス ( = warosu ) funny, hilarious
↓(to stress more)
★テラワロス (= terawarosu) (テラ=tera)
★ギガワロス ( = gigawarosu) (ギガ= giga)
★バロス ( = barosu) burst into laughter
And don’t forget to add “w” as “lol” mark.
Ex. ワロス www (=warosu www) = lol
★草生える= kusahaeru / 草生えた = kusa haeta = lol / so funny
The literal meaning is “grass is growing”/ “grass grew”.
→the symbol of laughing “w” and it looks like “grass“. So it means “funny”
★mgmg an onomatopoeia, eating sound モグモグ ( =mogumogu)
Ex. 牛丼 mgmg
= gyuudon mogumogu
= I am eating a beef bowl./ Beef bowl nom nom nom
★dkdk an onomatopoeia, a sound of pounding heart ドキドキ ( = dokidoki)
Ex. イケメンが隣に….dkdk
= Ikemen ga tonarini…dkdk
= A cute guy is right next to me. My heart is pounding ❤️
★(ry = From (略) = ryaku = omission
以下略 = ika ryaku = The rest is omitted. Skipping the rest. It is something obvious so you can guess.
Ex. そんなことは自分でや (ry or そんなことは自分で y (ry
= Sonna koto wa jibun de ya (ry
= (meant to say) You should do such a thing yourself.
But actually, you say just “such a thing, yourself, d(o)”
Ex. そしたら彼女が (ry
= Soshitara kanojo ga (ry
= They she (said (did)….You can guess the rest.
⭐️The words you use in a twitter message :
★なう ( = nau)= now
なう ( = nau) means “now” in English.
I taught this word before, but just in case you’ve forgotten I will give you a brief review.
How to use なう ( =nau)= now
⭐️location where you are now + なう ( = nau)
Ex. スカイツリーなう!
= Sukai Tsurii nau!
= I am at Sky Tree now.
⭐️ Verb (what you are doing now) + なう( = nau)
Ex. マギーといるなう!
= Maggie to iru nau!
= I am with Maggie now.
Ex. 困っているなう!
= Komatte iru nau!
= I am in trouble now.
Ex. 友達とお茶を飲んでいるなう。
= Tomodachi to ocha wo nonde iru nau.
= I am having a cup of tea now.
There are more variations of tense now.
★すてぃる ( = sutiru) from “still” in English. When you are still doing something or you are still somewhere.
Ex. すてぃる電車なう
= Sutiiru densha nau.
= I am still on the train
Ex. すてぃる会社なう
= Sutiru kaisha nau.
= I am still at the office.
🔹Past tense :
★ワズ/わず ( = wazu) from “was” in English
= 〜した ( = shita) did something or ~にいた ( =~ ni ita) was/were somewhere
Ex. スタバわず
= Sutaba wazu
= I was at Starbucks. (I left Starbucks.)
📝 Note : スタバ ( = sutaba) is an abbreviation of スターバックスコーヒー ( = Sutaabakkusu koohii), Starbucks Coffee
*McDonald’s = マクドナルド ( = makudonarudo)
マック ( = Makku) or マクド ( = Makudo)
*Mr. Donuts = ミスタードーナッツ( = Mistaa doonattsu)
ミスド( = Misudo)
★あごう ( = agou) from “ago” in English
It means 〜した ( = shita) did something or ~にいた ( =~ ni ita) was/were somewhere
Ex. 友達の結婚式あごう!
= Tomodachi no kekkonsiki agou!
= I went to my friend’s wedding ceremony.
= Konbini agou!
= I went to a convenience store.
📝 Note : わず ( = wazu) and あごう ( =agou) are both used to describe one’s past actions. Many of us get confused which one to use. There are no clear rules yet, and there are some sites where people argue over which one to use.
🔹Past perfect :
★ダン/だん ( = dan) from “done” in English
Ex. 仕事だん!
= Shigoto dan!
= I am done with work! / I have finished work.
Ex. 勉強だ〜ん!
= Benkyou daan!
= I have done with study. / I just finished studying.
📝 Note : We often add 〜 to stretch the sound in a comical and cute way.
🔹 Future tense :
★うぃる ( = uiru) from “will” in English word / when you are going to do something, going somewhere
Ex. 今から映画うぃる!
= Imakara eiga uiru!
= I will see a movie from now.
= Odekake uiru♩
= I am going out!
⭐️ How to greet each other.
★おはー ( = Ohaa) Good morning!
★おっはー ( = Ohhaa) Good morning!
★おやすー ( = Oyasuu ) Good night!
★いてらー ( = Iteraa) Have a good day! (When someone leaves the house.)
★ほかてらー ( = hokatera) Go and enjoy your bath time.
📝 Note : ほか ( = hoka) is from ホカホカ( = hokahoka) which is an onomatopoeic words to describe something/somewhere nice and warm with steam. ほかてらー ( = hokateraa) is from ほかってらっしゃい( = Hokatterasshai) = Enjoy your bath!
verb : ほかる( = hokaru ) slang : take a bath and literally warm up one’s body.
variation : ほかってきま〜す! ( = Hokatte kimaasu!) I will take a bath now
★おつ/乙= otsu = from お疲れ様でした。= Otsukare sama deshita. = (a caring phrase which means “You worked very hard today” or “Good job!” .
So far so good?
Ex. おつです!
= Otsu desu!
= You worked hard today. (Please get some rest!)
Ex. 仕事おつ!
= Shigoto otsu!
= Congrats on finishing today’s work!
Advanced-level Twitter lingo :
🔹 How to say “Thank you” in a specific way.
If someone tells you those, how do you respond?
Yes, you have to say ありがとう ( = arigatou) Thank you, right?
There are specific ways to say thank you for each message on Twitter.
★おかあり ( = Okaari) or えりあり( = Eriari)
It is a combination of “おかえり+ありがとう” (“Okaeri + Arigatou”)
It means おかえりと言ってくれてありがとう(=Okaeri to itte kurete arigatou) Thank you for saying “Welcome back!”
★おはー ( = Ohaa ) Good morning!
(→From おはよう( = ohayou))
おはよう+ありがとう( = Ohayou + Arigatou)
おはあり ( = Ohaari ) Thank you for saying “Good morning!“
★おやすー ( = Oyasuu ) Good night!
(→From おやすみ( = oyasumi))
おやすみ+ありがとう( = Oyasumi + Arigatou)
おやあり ( = Oyaari ) Thank you for saying “Good night!”
★いてらー ( = Iteraa ) Have a good day! (When someone leaves the house.)
(→From いってらっしゃい ( =Itterasshai))
いってらっしゃい+ありがとう ( = Itterasshai + Arigatou)
いてらあり ( = Iteraari ) Thank you for saying “Have a good day!” when I am (was) leaving the house.
★おつ/乙 ( = Otsu ) “You worked very hard today” or “Good job!” .
(→From おつかれ様( = Otsukaresama))
おつかれさま+ありがとう( = Otsukaresama + Arigatou)
おつあり ( = Otsuari ) Thank you for saying “”You worked very hard today” or “Good job!” .
★ほかてらー( = Hokatera ) Go and enjoy taking bath.
(→(slang) ほかってらっしゃい= Hokatterasshai = Go enjoy taking bath!)
ほかってらっしゃい+ありがとう(=Hokatterasshai + Arigatou)
ほかてらあり( = Hokateraari) Thank you for saying “Enjoy taking bath!”
Basic greeting patterns are made from :
🔸いってきます。( = Ittekimasu) I am leaving. (See you later!)
🔸 いってらっしゃい ( = Itterasshai ) Have a nice day! (When you see someone off.)
🔸 ただいま ( = Tadaima ) I’m back. / I’m home.
🔸おかえりなさい。( = Okaerinasai) Welcome back!
If you just took a bath and came back on line, you can say,
★ほかいま ( = Hokaima) (I just took bath and) I am back on Twitter.
(←ほか ( =hoka) +ただいま ( = Tadaima))
and the person who welcomes back that person says,
★ほかえり( = Hokaeri ) Welcome back from bath.
(←ほか( = hoka) +おかえり( = Okaeri ))
★離脱 ( = ridatsu) I will be off-line.
Now originally 離脱 ( = ridatsu) is a very formal word when you withdraw from certain group or organization.
But Twitter users use this term when they leave Twitter to do something else.
Ex. りだつ〜!!
= Ridatsuu!!
= I am off.
Then people greet you saying
★りだてら ( = Ridatera ) (← 離脱=りだつ ( = ridatsu) + 行ってらっしゃい! ( = itterasshai) ) See you until you come back on line!
and when they see you coming back online, they welcome you saying
★りだえり ( = ridaeri ) Welcome back online. (←離脱 = りだつ ( = ridatsu) + おかえり( = okaeri))
If you get off-line to eat, you say,
★メシリダ/めしりだ ( =meshirida) It is from 飯(めし)のための離脱(りだつ)( = meshi no tame no ridatsu) leaving Twitter in order to eat (飯 ( = meshi) a rough word for “meals””food” or “rice”)
★ほかりだ ( = hokarida) To leave Twitter to take a bath
And people tell you,
★くってらー ( = kutteraa)
(← 飯を食(く)いにいってらっしゃい ( = Meshi wo kuini itterasshai.) Go eat! / Enjoy your meal/ Talk to you later!
📝 Note : Remember 飯 ( = meshi), meal or rice and 食う( = kuu) to eat are both very rough words and sounds bad unless you use them in this kind of slang words.
When you come back from your breakfast, lunch or dinner, you say
★めしいま( = Meshiima)
( ← 飯(めし)からただいま ( = Meshi kara tadaima)) I am back from breakfast, lunch or dinner
People welcome you back saying
★めしえり ( = Meshieri)
(←飯(めし)からおかえり ( =Meshi kara okaeri)) Welcome back from breakfast, lunch or dinner
And you say
★めしえりあり ( = Meshieriari)
(←飯(めし)からおかえり( =Meshi kara okaeri))+ありがとう( = arigatou)
Thank you for saying “Welcome back from my breakfast, lunch or dinner”
★浮上 = fujou = to be back on Twitter and stay on one’s timeline and tweets for a while.
★ふじょえり = fujoeri = Welcome back on Twitter! (to welcome someone who is back on Timeline.)
(←浮上(ふじょう)からおかえり ( =fujou kara okaeri))
⭐️Twitter Trend Words :
I often tweet “Today’s Twitter Trend word” on Twitter. If you set it to Japanese Trend words, you can see what is happening in Japan.
news, sports, weather, TV shows, etc.
Sometimes you see “time signal” words on Trend.
★おやつの時間 ( = oyatsu no jikan) snack time !to right! 3:00 p.m.
📝 Note : Traditionally we consider 3:00 p.m. as snack time. This could have been partially influenced by the lyric from a famous TV commercial ditti.
When they announce a certain time, they use ほー ( = hoo) in the end. ほー ( = hoo) hoo is a sound that owls make.
★よるほー ( = Yoruhoo ) midnightよる= 夜 ( = yoru) nightほー ( = hoo)
★ひるほー ( = Hiruhoo ) at noon
★うしほー( = ushihoo) at 2:00 a.m. 丑 ( = ushi) indicates 2:00 a.m.
Also when a certain baseball team wins, their fans send out tweets like the following.
★とらほー ( = torahoo) When a baseball team 阪神タイガース ( = Hanshin Taigaasu) wins.
(Note : 寅= とら( = tora) means tigers.)
★どらほー ( = dorahoo) When a baseball team中日ドラゴンズ( = Chunichi Doragonzu) wins.
(Note : どら( = dora) is from ドラゴンズ = “Dragons”0
📝 Note : These ほー( = hoo) is supposedly from やっほー( = yahoo = Yee-ha!) or わんだほー( = wandahoo ) Wonderful) and show your excitement.
At 9pm on Monday nights, I sometimes see,
★類ほー ( = rui hoo) on Twitter and wondered where this word came from. And I figured out it was from a TV show, 酒場放浪記( = Sakaba Hourouki ) and the reporter 吉田類 ( = Yoshida Rui) , Rui Yoshida, (an illustrator / poet and connoisseur of Sake) visits many bars. I don’t think it is a main stream TV program but obviously some people love him and this show and tweet 類ほー ( = rui hoo) to announce when the TV show starts and toast with their followers on Twitter.
Ex. 類ほー! ( ^ ^ )/□〜 Time to watch Rui’s show! (Let’s drink!)
Ex. るいほー。(^_^)/□☆□\(^_^)かんぱい = Ruihoo Kanpai = Time to watch Rui’s TV show! (Let’s drink!) Cheers!
📝 Note : Japanese 顔文字 ( = kaomoji) / 絵文字 ( = emoji), emoticons always add up the fun feelings to your tweets.
When you look at Japanese Twitter Trend words, you may sometimes see hash tags (#) and everybody shares their story.
★ お前らの〜晒せ ( = Omaera no ~ sarase)
お前ら( =omaera) is a rough way to say “you” (second pronoun plural)
晒す( = sarasu) means “to expose”
→(command form) 晒せ( = sarase) Expose →Share, Tell everybody
The way they talk is kind of 上から( = Uekara) condescending but people just play along and share their fun information.
For example,
Ex. #お前らの一番切ない画像を晒せ.
= Omaera no ichiban setsunai gazou wo sarase.
= Expose your most wistful image (picture).
Ex. #お前らの昭和を晒せ
= Omaera no shouwa wo sarase
= Show us your “Showa Era” (Things that reminds you of the Showa Era.)
Then people put this hashtag and post pictures or things that are related to the Showa era.
★他者紹介 ( = tasha shoukai) to introduce other people
自己紹介 ( = jikoshoukai) is self-introduction but with #他者紹介 ( = tasha shoukai), you introduce someone else.
I know many of you don’t do Twitter but it sure is fun way to interact with people.
⇨ About the color scheme :
I changed the color scheme in my previous lesson upon a request as a trial. I asked everyone on Facebook and Twitter which color scheme they liked better. The results tortured me because many Facebook “likers” prefer the latest one, but many Twitter followers prefer the usual color scheme. So I will aim towards the “middle ground” this time using a new color palette. How do you like it? Sorry that I can’t make everybody happy. I guess I will alternate the color depending on my mood. :)
マギー先生より = Maggie Sensei yori From Maggie Sensei
OK, 新しいレッスンダン!= Atarashii ressunn done = I just made a new lesson!
It is time for you to tweet :u:
!JYANE! マギほー! = Maggi Hoo! = Time to come to Maggie Sensei’s site!
拡散希望!= Kakusan kibou = RT and spread the message!
Will you be my Patron?
I appreciate your support! サポートありがとう!
Is this up? I’m just wondering what does the “twitter header” translation in Japanese slang? XD
Hello unmomumomu
I don’t think there is slang for twitter header. We just say Twitter (の )ヘッダー or バナー
Maggie先生、こんにちは!Thank you so much for your blog! This slang page has been particularly helpful for me who is mostly using Twitter to practice Japanese. ^^ I hope it’s ok to ask questions here!
On Twitter, I’ve been seeing 「妄想話」come up frequently (eg.「〜妄想話したいけどTLは汚したくない!」) and I’ve seen it translate to “delusion,” but I was wondering if it’s slang? From what I’ve seen, I’m guessing it might be similar to “spamming,” but I wanted to ask in case.
Also, for アルファツイッタラー and ツイドル, I’m wondering if there is an instagram equivalent? Would it be「アルファインスタラ」and 「インスタアイドル」, or something else entirely?
こんにちは、 coco,
妄想 itself is not slang.
妄想話をする means to talk about my fantasy
So if you like some idol, you fantasize for example what if you get go out with him/her, etc.
You say インスタアイドル but for some reason, I rarely hear アルファインスタラ but some say アルファインスタグラマー
That makes a lot of sense! Thank you for explaining ^^ ありがとうございました!
Quite the late question but How do I say “To everyone who has followed me until now, thank you!”? Kind of like addressing your followers as a whole. I was thinking along the lines of “今までのフォロしてくれった人に、感謝してます!” but I feel like the grammar might be off or there might be a more concise way of saying it haha. Would love to hear a reply soon.
Hi Nagi,
If you say 今まで or これまで, it may sound like you are going to quit Twitter.
How about:
more casual
Ah, I am very late, but was wonder,, so when saying the “___って呼んで。” can that be put in the bio? Or would that be awkward.
Your followers usually use your twitter name anyway but yes, you can write in your profile,
“Socksって呼んでね。・(more polite) “Socks”と呼んでください”
what do you call a thread in japanese? like a chain of replies to a tweet kind of thread.
Hi Nicole,
Thread = スレッド (more colloquial スレ)
新しいスレッド/スレを立てる= atarashii sureddo/sure wo tateru = to start a new thread
Hello! I’m sorry – I know this is an old post, but I was wondering if you could tell me how to type the hiragana/katakana so that it’s squished to the left like some twitter users do? For example, if I want to type チュウ but small and squished to the left, what do I do? I tried looking in the suggestion box when I typed it but couldn’t find anything. Thank you!! Your site is super super helpful and I refer to it often!!
You mean you want to use halfwidth-kana? (半角= hankaku)
I did a little research and it says
if you are Windows user use F8 key and if use Mac, Control + ;
But it depends on the system. https://mupon.net/mac-katakana/
Check this link. It is all written in Japanese but you get the idea.
Also there is a site that convert 全角 to 半角
Yes!! Thank you so much! I didn’t know what it was called in Japanese so everytime I tried to search it on google by just describing it I got unrelated pages. 助けてくれて本当にありがとうございます!!wめっちゃ役に立ちます^_^
When you search the sites in Japanese, use the key words such as
カタカナ 全角を半角に + mac (or Windows)
Good luck!
From マギー :D
Hello Maggie-sensei, I hope this thread isn’t too old.. But what is DM (direct message/private message) in Japanese?
Thank you so much!
Hi Priss
It’s the same in Japanese.
DM (ディーエム)
Thank you so much for the quick reply!
Anytime! 🐶💕
Is it considered annoying to use a lot of slang like this?
Right. It could be annoying but it depends on who you are talking to.
A lot of Japanese people don’t know all of these words. But it should be OK for young Japanese people who use Twitter a lot.
What’s “subtweet” in japanese? I saw you didn’t cover that one
The closest one is 空中リプライ= kuuchuu ripurai (abbreviation 空中リプ = kuuchuu ripu)I will add it in the lesson later.
HAHAHA それは長い!!覚えきれるかな?
What does it mean when people tell you 「フォローさせてもらいます」? I see this a lot on instagram. What’s a good way to respond to it?
It means “I will follow you” in a kind polite way. like “Allow me to follow you. ”
If you welcome that person, you could just say
(Thank you for following me.)
Hi, Maggie-sensei!
May I know how to say something like “Please let me follow you (on Twitter)”?
Is 「あなたがフォローさせてください」okay?
You have to use an object particle, を
(You often omit あなた)
@Rômulo Dias Machado
(Note for you: To make it sound more natural, how about…その犬の人形はジョジョの冒険のイギーですか?)
Hi. I was wondering what is the most natural way to say “follow me back please” is on instagram and twitter. I have seen this sentence “フォローしてください” but i’m not sure if it means the same thing.
Hi, Lucy,
フォローしてください= Please follow me.
does work. FYI, there is a slang expression. フォロバ= follow back
フォロバしてください = Please follow me back.
So you can say,
Hi, Maggie! First, I want to say that your site is very helpful and I have found much use with it. Thank you for your teaching!
My question is how I might write the following in my Twitter bio:
“Japanese / English tweets” or “Japanese and English tweets”
(as in my tweets are in Japanese and English)
“Business contact:”
(which would be followed by a direct e-mail)
Thank you so much! !greenapple!
If your mother language, I would start from English
There is no set format.
If you want to make it look more slangish,
“Business contact”
You can type in English ‘Business contact”.
But 連絡先 (contact) or 問い合わせ先(inquiry) is also common for business.
I’ve found that many Japanese twitter users use a similar format to their name (not their twitter handle). For example they may put their nickname then @ and what seems random numbers and words.
For example あずーる@3日目東セ-17b. What do these mean?
As its not the twitter handle they didn’t need to make it unique in order to not have the same as another persons..
Heres another example わざきた【C90三日目東セ04a】.
Sorry for the late reply.
I assume, that particular pattern is based on the comic market information (booth number, group number, etc.)
Maggie sensei why are japanese people use number and character in their username? Is there any special way to read ’em? Please answerrrr
A lot of sites which require us to set a password or username using alphabet and numbers for security reason.
For example, if you want to register your username, “April”, I am sure it is already taken. So you just mix it up with other alphabet or numbers.
I found your blog through and I hope you still check messages on older entries. :) First of all thank you for writing this. It was really interesting!
Now I have some questions. I’ve seen many Japanese users on twitter ask for retweets. At least I think that’s what they did. Are their specific hashtags for that? I saw several longer phrases but I’m not exactly sure what they mean. Isn’t it impolite to ask others to share your tweets?
Also, is it impolite to follow someone without writing them a message? I often silently follow users without “asking if I may”. But when Japanese people follow me, it seems like they often also tweet me something like “I have the priviledge of following you now”.
Hi Anshie,
Yes, I do read all the comments no matter how old the lesson is.
If you want people to retweet, you can use “拡散希望= kakusan kibou” (Check the lesson again.)
Or you can also say,
Q: Is it impolite to follow someone without writing them a message?
I don’t think so because if you don’t want others to follow you, they can lock their account.
But if that person doesn’t have many followers, it is nice to say hello and tell them you are going to follow them.
You can follow me anytime without saying anything. :)
Hi maggie-sensei!! i was wondering but how do you say “i want to unlock my (twitter) account” in japanese?
Hi ran,
unlock is ロックを解除する= rokku wo kaijo suru
So ツイッターのアカウントのロックを解除したいです。
Hello Maggie-sensei. Your lessons are wonderfully helpful and informative!
Do you know what イケボ means? I see it being used to describe people sometimes.
Hi RM!
I taught once the word イケボ on Twitter.
I added on my Colloquial Japanese lesson.
★イケボ= ikebo (←イケメンボイス= lit. “good looking guy’s voice”)
= Cool and attractive voice which is associated with a good looking man
Hi Maggie sensei~!
I’m confused with some of my friends’ twitter names. Some of them go like this name@11/07ニコクロ or name@12/26西川口
I’m assuming the latter part is where they are? like Nishi kawaguchi
Hi Maggie-sensei!
I’ve been using Japanese Twitter for a while now and noticed nearly everybody in this cyber space has “(Name) @ (Something)” as their display name. This “something” could be anything from a place to a random saying or phrase. What does it mean? It seems like only the trendiest Twitter users seem to have it.
I want to get it too for my Twitter handle, but I can’t seem to understand the nuances of what can or can’t go behind the @.
Hi Pika!
There is no rules for handle name. Only you can create your name.
You wrote here with your name or nickname Pika. If you like it, you can use it as a part of your name.Pikachan, Pika4twitter, etc.
Twitter is totally anonymous. You can have a creative name or just make a Twitter name based on the words you like. What if your favorite word?
hello maggie sensei :w:
can I use some of the words in WhatsApp, LINE and in other chat applications ??
and about ( omaera no ~ sarase ), can I use anata/anatatachi instead? because you taught us that ( omaera) is to be used with close friends and not polite to use.
and can I request a lesson about how to use: Verb in masu form+genai
ex: yurugenai = stable, not shaky)
and another lesson about uchi ni.
ex: chikai uchi ni, = soon.
ex: wasurenai uchi ni= before I forget
thank you sensei !formingheart3!
Hi Roro,
Though there is a trend to use ~を晒せ hashtag but 晒せ is actually a very rough expression. So even if you say あなた, it still sounds blunt.
教えて is friendlier and polite.
OK, I will add うち on my request list. Please wait patiently.
I love your website! I have a question: I wanted to create a twitter account to practice my Japanese but can I use the casual form in my tweets or is it going to seem rude?
Thank you!
Twitter is a great to way to practice Japanese.
Can I use the casual form in my tweets or is it going to seem rude?
Being casual and being blunt are different.
Being casual and friendly is good on Twitter. It all depends on who you talk to.
Observe what kind of Japanese the people you follow use. Talk to them “desu” form first and then when you get to know them better, switch to more casual Japanese.
If you talk to them super formal Japanese to begin with, it may be hard to change. So I would say aim between casual and formal.
If you make an account, tweet to me in Japanese. I can always practice with you. :)
Hello maggie-sensei!
if i want to ask someone for their twitter username how do i say it in japanese?
Hello Emi!
If you want to know someone’s Twitter name,
(more casual) ツイッター名を教えて。
Hi Maggie-sensei.
I’m trying to start using japanese – japanese dictionaries and I stumbled over this patern a few times, verb + sama. I can’t find any resources online about this kind of patern. Also please can you teach us how to use an online dictionary in japanese?
Hello DavidChristi!
さま= sama = means “the way something works/happens, people do something”
You use it to describe the state, appearance, situation, condition.
If you just start using Japanese, コトバンク(=Kotobank) might be difficult to use.
I recommend Tangorin.
Hello Maggie-sensei! Your lessons are very helpful!! Thank you! So I was watching a video of Perfume and they were wishing A~chan happy birthday. They were reading tweets from fans and one of the fans said “A~chan omedetou kekoshite” and they started laughing what is kekoshite? Also someone else said “A~chan ome” which A~chan replied “Ariau(?) omeri” what does that mean? And Nocchi said “Ari” which I just learned (:-D )is a shortened thank you lol
Hello Courtney
The members of Perfume are cute, huh? They also talk in Hiroshima accent.
Do you have a link to that video?
A~chan omedetou kekoshite →It’s 結婚して= kekkon shite = Marry me!
ome = おめでとう = omedetou = Happy Birthday!
“Ariau(?) omeri” →I need to see the video…. Isn’t Ariau(?) ありがとう= Arigatou?
The link doesn’t work… :cryingboy:
おめ= ome = Casual abbreviation of おめでとう(=omedetou) Congratulations!
あり= ari = Casual abbreviation of ありがとう (= arigatou) Thank you
So おめあり=omeari = Thank you for saying “Congratulation” (In this case “Happy Birthday!” )
ありがとうございました!!… This is off subject but…is it ok to use わくわくする to say “I’m excited!” or is it not used anymore?
どういたしまして! And yes we do say わくわくする= to get excited. It is not a slang word.
マッギ先生、ありがとう!
スウェーデン人ですけど、最近は日本語のツイッターをはじめましたから、このツイッター用語は本当に便利なんです! !niconico!
もう一度ありがとうございます! boucingheart!
hello Maggie-sensei~
what if i’m going to say ‘i will call you (name) ‘ in nihongo?
wah gomen nasai i’m just confused with Japanese grammars… um sensei? did you have a lesson about Particles? and how to use it? and about grammars? ^_^
Hello Ai,
Ex. I will call you “Ai”
“Ai”さんって呼びますね。= Ai san to yobimasu ne.
More casual
“Ai”って呼ぶね。 Ai tte yobu ne.
There are so many particles in Japanese. I have a few lessons here. Go check the Index. :)
I’m glad to see this website is kind of back…
wow! this website is very interesting :)
I really want to study japanese language here! :)
Hi dekz!
Great! Hope you learn some Japanese here. Feel free to ask me if you have any questions, OK? :h: