= Maggie sensei, ikutsu?
= How old are you, Maggie Sensei?
= Nisai!
=Two years old!
Hi, everyone!
Yesterday, September 20th was my birthday! Many people sent me nice messages, saying,
=Otanjoubi omedetou!
=Happy Birthday!!
Now, some “brave” person asked me,
= Maggie sensei ikutsu? (very casual)
= How old are you, Maggie Sensei?
(Don’t ask ladies their age!)
And I answered,
= Nisai!
=Two years old!
Shhhhhh!!! 🤫 Don’t tell anybody but I’m actually 5 years old now.
So today’s key idiom is,
⭐️さばを読む = saba wo yomu.
•鯖 = さば =サバ = chub mackerel
•読む = yomu = to read
It is an idiom that means
to fudge a number or numbers or fudge one’s age./to lie about one’s age.
Ex. マギーはさばを読んでいる。
= Maggie wa saba wo yonde iru.
= Maggie is fudging her age. / Maggie is lying about her age.
OK, let’s study lots of age related expressions and words today!
Reaching a certain age,
•〜才(歳)になる = ~ sai ni naru = will be /turn/reach~ years old
•〜才(歳)になった = ~ sai ni natta= to have turned/reached ~ years old
“How old are you?“ ,
• 「何歳(才)ですか?」
= Nansai desuka?
= (Otoshi wa) oikutsu desuka?
•「(年) いくつ? 」(Very casual)
= (Toshi) ikutsu?
You can answer,
= (Ima) Nijuu go (sai) desu.
=I’m 25 (years old) (now).
= Juugatsu de juuhassai ni narimasu.
=I will be 18 years old in October.
Ex. 「今年、20歳(才)になりました。」
= Kotoshi hatachi (nijussai) ni narimashita.
= I turned 20 (years old) this year.
(Remember, 20歳 20 years old can be read either にじっさい ( = nijissai), にじゅっさい ( = nijussai) or はたち ( = hatachi) )
:k: Age,
*歳 / 年 = toshi = age, years
*年齢 / 年令 = nenrei = age
:n: Young and old,
*若い = wakai = young
→adverb 若く= wakaku = young
=Itsumademo wakaku ite kudasai.
=Please stay young forever!
→noun 若さ = wakasa =youth
Ex. 若さを保つ
= Wakasa wo tamotsu
= to preserve youth
Ex. 若さの秘密は何ですか?
= Wakasa no himitsu wa nan dedsuka?
=What is your secret to keeping young?
→people 若者 = wakamono = young people
Ex. 最近の若者は礼儀を知らない。
= Saikin no wakamono wa reigi wo shiranai.
= Young people these days don’t have manners.
*中年 = chuunen = middle-aged people
→adjective 中年の = chuunen no
*中高年 = chuukounen = middle-aged and elderly people
→adjective 中高年の = chuukounen no
*(お)年寄り = (o)toshiyori = elderly people
→adjective •お年寄りの ( = otoshiyori no)
•老いた ( = oita)
•年を取った ( = toshi wo tottta)
*高齢者 = koureisha = elderly people
Older than 75 yeas old we call 後期高齢者 ( = kouki koureisha) (This is not an expression you would use in daily conversation. You’ll most often hear this when discussing insurance brackets or in official discussions.)
*老人 = roujin = old people
“The Old Man and the Sea” by Ernest Hemingway → “老人と海”( = roujin to umi)
*(ご)年配 (者)= (go)nenpai(sha)= elderly people
•ご年配の方 = gonenpai no kata (sound a bit more polite)
→方々 ( = katagata)
*シルバー = shirubaa = (from silver): to refer to elderly people.
Ex. シルバーシート = shirubaa shiito =seats for the elderly and/or the disabled
Ex. シルバーエイジ = shirubaa eiji=old age
Note : When you talk about elder people, 年寄り ( = toshiyori) and 老人 ( = roujin) sound very cold and rude.
And a lot of aged people hated to be called “old” and treated as an old person.
Ex. 年寄り扱いしないで欲しい!
=Toshiyori atsukai shinai de hoshii!
=I don’t want you to treat me like an old person.
We should treat them with respect.
They are our 人生の先輩 ( = jinsei no senpai) . (先輩 = senpai = seniors, elders, mentors. In this case, mentors of life.)
⭐️ aging, to get old(er)
歳(年)を取る = toshi wo toru
Ex. 年を取るにつれ涙もろくなってきた。
= Toshi wo toru ni tsure namida moroku natte kita.
= As I get older I have become more sentimental.
歳(年)を重ねる = toshi wo kasaneru
Ex. 歳を重ねると何事にも動じなくなる。
= Toshi wo kasaneru to nanigoto nimo doujinaku naru.
= The older you get, you get more immune you get to everything.
老いる = oiru or 年老いる = toshioiru
Ex. (年)老いた母 = (toshi)oita haha= aged mother
年(歳)( = toshi) means age but it also means “getting old” or “aging”
Ex. うちの父も、もう年(歳)だから労ってあげないと。
= Uchi no chichi mo, mou toshi dakara itawatte agenaito.
= My father is getting older so we have to take care of him.
⭐️ Other age-related words,
•若作りをする = wakazukuri wo suru = make oneself look young
Ex. 彼女は若作りをしているから本当の年がわからない。
= Kanojo wa wakazukuri wo shiteiru kara hontou no toshi ga wakaranai.
= She has made herself look young so nobody can tell her real age.
•若返る = wakagaeru = to rejuvenate
Ex. 若返りの薬が欲しい!
= Wakagaeri no kusuri ga hoshii!
= I wanna rejuvenation pills!
•年を取らない = toshi wo toranai = ageless, stay young
Ex. 彼は全然、年を取らない。
= Kare wa zenzen toshi wo toranai.
= He stays young. / He never seems to get old.
•老ける = fukeru = put on years
Ex. 最近、父は、めっきり老けてきた。
= Saikin chichi wa, mekkiri fukete kita.
= Recently my father has got older noticeably.
•老化 = rouka =growing old, process of aging
Ex. 適度な運動は老化を遅らせる
= Tekido na undou wa rouka wo okuraseru
= Proper exercise delays the process of growing old.
• 若くみえる = wakaku mieru = look younger
• 老けてみえる = fukete mieru = look older
Ex. マギーは年齢よりも若く(or 老けて)見える。
= Maggie wa nenrei yori mo wakaku (or fukete) mieru.
= Maggie looks younger (or older) than her age.
🐶 Did you like my birthday cake? It is Hello Kitty cheesecake!
I loooove kitties! ❤️ Yum! Yum!!! :)
マギー先生より=Maggie Sensei yori=From Maggie Sensei
= Hai hontou wa gosai ni narimashita.
= Yes, I actually just turned five years old.
= Ningen dattara ikutu nante keisan shinaidene.
= Don’t even try to calculate my age in human age!
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I appreciate your support! サポートありがとう!
really?? u are 5!!? u look younger ^^ 若くみえる!!
here they say that 1 dog year=7 human years, is it the same in japan?
and some japanese and korean people are the most 年を取らない people I know!!!! but then again, they say I say that cause I can’t tell asian people’s age just like they can’t tell our age… so I don’t know, they just look younger than their real age to me ^^; skin careかな?cause they usually take much better skin care than us…. I m bad at teling age anyway~! when people ask me to guess their age I usually say a few years younger than what I really think, just in case I m totally off xD
Do I look younger? Thank you!!!! I guess everybody wants to look younger. I use special “doggie facial cream” when I sleep :)
(But, yes, we have the same calculation!)
Hey, don’t calculate my age in “dog years”!
(添削 : 蚊の刺しから受けます→蚊に刺されたらかかります。蚊はもっと多くなって気がします。→蚊がもっと多くなった気がします。)
Hi Maggie先生!お久しぶり!
Belated Happy Birthday は日本語でどう言いますか?
私の誕生日は先生のと近く日ですよ、私のは9月22日です =)
LasySapphireさんも「遅くなりましたがお誕生日おめでとう!」= Happy Belated Birthday!