= Soko wa ningen no petto wo katte mo ii desu ka?
= Am I allowed to keep a human pet there?
Hi everyone. I am Cookie. I am looking for an apartment where I can keep a human pet. Do you know a good place?
Today I will teach you some useful vocabulary and phrases for renting an apartment in Japan.
If you live in Japan, some jobs will offer you or help you with an apartment but a lot of the time you’ll have to find your own place.
To look for an apartment, visit or check the site of the:
★不動産会社= fudousangaisha= a real estate agent
★ How to find a place on the net.
Before you go visit a real estate agency, you may want to find information on renting apartments in Japan on the Internet.
These are some search words that you can use depending on your needs
*area name
* 賃貸 = chintai = rent
* アパート = apaato = apartment
* マンション = manshon = condominium
:i: Cultural note: If your Japanese friend says “I live in a mansion.” It doesn’t mean they live in a nice big house. :)
* 不動産会社 = fudousangaisha = real estate agency
* 保証人なし = hoshounin nashi = no guarantor required* (Many places require you to find a Japanese guarantor.)
* 礼金なし = reikin nashi = no key money required
* 敷金礼金なし = shikikin reikin nashi = no key money and deposit are required
* 外国人向け = gaikokujin muke = (recommendable properties ) for foreigners
* 留学生向け = ryuugakusei muke = (recommendable properties ) for foreign students
And then narrow down your conditions such as area, rent money, etc.
★物件 = bukken = property
Real estate agents deal with a lot of 物件 ( = bukken) properties.
You have to be sure what kind of place you want to rent.
* 部屋 = heya = a room
Note: Now 部屋 ( = heya) means “a room” but it is also a general term for an apartment room /condominium room.
Ex. 空き部屋 = akibeya = vacant room / vacant space
* アパート = apaato = apartment (building)
* マンション = manshon = apartment, condominium building
* 一戸建て = ikkodate = a house / detached house
* シェアハウス = sheahausu = share house (This is a kind of new trend in Japan. Basically you share a building / floor with other people. Some share houses are pretty international. )
As I mentioned above マンション ( = manshon) in Japanese means condominium.
The difference between アパート (= apaato) and マンション ( = manshon) is a bit vague but the building construction is different.
Image wise マンション ( = manshon) sounds nicer and more modern.
While マンション ( = manshon) are built with 鉄筋 ( = tekkin) steel framed reinforced concrete and walls are thicker, アパート (= apaato) is basically 木造 ( = mokuzou) wooden built. (There are exceptions.)
Sometimes you can tell by the name of the building.
* condominium
~マンション( = manshon)
Apartment building companies or owners usually try to give their building a fancy foreign sounding catchy name. They usually use katakana.
Such as メゾン (= mezon ) from the French, maison, キャッスル (= kyassuru) = castle, etc.
~アパート ( = apaato)
Smaller apartment (usually one or two stories)
~ハイツ ( = haitsu)
~コーポ ( = koopo)
~荘 ( = sou)
★to rent in Japanese is…
* 借りる = kariru = to rent a place (or something) from someone/ to borrow
* 貸す = kasu = to rent a place (or something) to someone / lend/ loan
You usually use the word for renting an apartment,
* 賃貸 = chintai = renting / rentals (to rent something/a place to someone charging money)
* 賃貸アパート = chintai apaato = apartment for rent
* 賃貸マンション = chintai manshon = condominium for rent
* 大家 = ooya = landlord/landlady
★Conditions: 条件 (= jouken)
☆ 可 ( = ka) available, allowed / 不可( = fuka) not available, not allowed
When you look at the conditions of the place, you may want to know these words.
* 楽器可 = gakki ka = allowed to play music instrument
*二人入居不可= futari nyuukyo fuka = not allowed to live two people.
* ペット可 = petto ka = allowed to have a pet
* ペット不可 = petto fuka = no pets allowed
☆ Fee/Rent
* 家賃 = yachin = rent
Ex. 家賃8万円
= Yachin hachimanen
= Rent 80,000 yen/month
* 初期費用= shoki hiyou = initial costs
Besides all the paper work, you have to pay some of the following money.
* 前家賃 = maeyachin= prepaid rent
* 手付金 = tetsukekin = reservation fee
(Before you sign up for the actual 契約 ( = keiyaku) contract to rent the place, they may ask you to pay the reservation fee which is called 手付金 (= tetsukekin) so that in case someone else is interested in renting the place, they can’t rent it. They will refund/ deduct the amount when you have an actual contract.
* 礼金 = reikin = key money
Note: 礼金 ( = reikin) is an amount of money that you pay to the owner of the place you’ll be renting. The original meaning of 礼金 (= reikin ) is “thank you money/ gratitude money” and you are supposed to show your gratitude towards the owner of the place before you move in. It is not refundable.
There could be a foot note which says,
Ex. 礼金は返金致しません。
= Reikin wa henkin itashimasen.
= Key money won’t returned.
* 敷金 =shikikin / 保証金= hoshoukin = deposit, security deposit
(Note: the name varies depending on the area /company)
The amount of 礼金 (= reikin) key money / 敷金 (= shikikin) deposit may not be specified.
Instead, they may write/say,
Ex. 家賃1ヶ月分 = yachin ikkagetsubun = (the same amount of money as) one month rent
* There are many properties that don’t require 礼金(= reikin) key money / 敷金 (= shikikin) deposit
Ex. 敷金礼金ゼロ = shikikin reikin zero = No deposit and key money required
Almost all real estate agency charge.
* 仲介手数料 = (fudousan) chuukai tesuuryou / 仲介料= chuukairyou = agent’s commission, brokerage fee
Some apartment building charges:
* 管理費 = kanrihi = maintenance fee
* 共益費 = kyouekihi = common service expense
* 更新手数料 = koushin tesuuryou = renewal commission
Also you may want to have:
* 保険=hoken = insurance
Ex. 火災保険 = kasai hoken = fire insurance
Ex. 家財保険 = kazai hoken = home contents insurance
* 保険料 = hoken ryou = insurance fee
In case you have to cancel break your lease, you may have to pay:
* 解約金 = kaiyakukin = cancellation of contract
☆ Buildings:
* 新築 = shinchiku= new / just built
* 築~ 年 = chiku ~ nen = ~ years old building
Ex. 築10年 = chiku juunen = 10 year old building (10 years have passed since that building was built)
* 階 = kai = floor
Ex. 2階 = nikai = the second floor
Ex.10階建て = jukkaidate = a ten-storied (building)
Ex. 地下 = chika= basement
Ex. 屋上 = okujou= rooftop
☆ Location
* 住所 = juusho = address
* 交通 = koutsuu= transportation
* ~沿線 = ensen = along the railway line ~
* 最寄り駅 = moyorieki= nearest station
* 歩5分 = ho gofun = (written expression) / 徒歩5分= toho gofunn = five minutes on foot (from the station)
☆ Directions:
* 南向き = minami muki = facing south
* 北 = kita = North
* 東 = higashi= East
* 西 = nishi = West
☆ Sunshine:
日当り = hiatari = sunshine
Ex. 日当り良好の部屋 = hiatari ryoukou no heya = a room with lots of sunshine
Ex. 日当りがいい = hiatari ga ii = lots of sunshine
(In a written form: 日当たりよし = hiatari yoshi)
Ex. 日当りが悪い = hiatari ga warui = dark ( no sunshine・sunless)
* 角部屋 = kadobeya = a cornered room
☆ Availability
* 即入居可 = soku nyuukyo ka = (written expression) You can move in anytime
* 入居 = nyuukyo = moving in
* 家具付 = Kagu, kaden tsuki = furnished
* 家具、家電付物件 = Kagu, kaden tsuki = furnished with appliances
* 面積 = menseki = size
When you see a floor map in Japanese, you will see numbers with this kanji 帖 (= jou).
It is a unit to indicate the area size.
* 一帖 = ichijou = 1.65㎡ / about 17.42ft2
* 一畳 = ichijou = One tatami mat size/ 1.62 ㎡./ about 17.74ft2
(Nowadays it is more common to use the counter unit, 帖)
Note even if you remove the actual mats from the room and put down wood flooring or carpeting, the room’s size would still be indicated in tatami mats.)
* 坪= tsubo = about 3.3 ㎡ / 35.58 ft2
☆Layout of the room:
* 間取り = madori = layout / floor plan
* 1K = wan kei = one room apartment with a kitchen
We also say:
* ワンルーム = Wan ruumu = studio apartment
* 2LDK = tsuu eru diikei = 2-room apartment with a living room, dining room and kitchen.
(K =kei= kitchen L = eru = living room D = dii= dining room)
* 和室 = washitsu = Japanese style room with tatami mats
* 洋室 = youshitsu = Western style room
* フローリング = furooringu = wooden floor
* 収納 = shuunou = closet
* 押し入れ = oshiire = Japanese style closet
* 洗面所 = senmenjo=washroom
* ベランダ = beranda / バルコニー= barukonii = balcony
* 玄関 = genkan= entrance, porch, the front door
* 廊下 = rouka = hallway, passage corridor
* トイレ = toire/ お手洗い = otearai = toilet / restroom
* 和式 = washiki = Japanese style (the one you have to squat) :)
* 洋式 = youshiki = Western style
* 浴室 = yokushitsu/ バス =basu / (お)風呂 = (o) furo) = bathroom
* シャワー = shawaa = shower
* 台所 = daidokoro = kitchen
* 居間 = ima / リビング = libingu = living room
* ダイニング = dainingu = dining room
* 書斎 = shosai = study
* 寝室 = shinshitsu = bedroom
* エスカレーター = esukareetaa= escalator
* 階段 = kaidan = stairs
* ロフト = rofuto = loft
:u: I made a sample floor layout for you. Would like to live here? :maggie-small:
☆ 設備 = setsubi = facility
When the apartment has certain facility, it says:
*~ 付き = tsuki / 付 (= tsuki) = with ~, equipped
*~ 完備 = kanbi = fully equipped
*~あり = ~ ari = There is ~ / ~ available
*~対応 = ~ taiou = available
* エアコン = eakon= air conditioner
* ガスコンロ = gasukonro = stove, gas cooker
* IH クッキングヒーター = IH kukkingu hiitaa = IH cooking heater
* 浴室乾燥機 = yokushitsu kansouki = bathroom drier
* オール電化 = ooru denka= all-electric
* 温水洗浄便座付き = onsui senjou benza tsuki= auto electronic bidet toilet
* オートロック = outo rokku = self-locking door
* カードキー = kaado kii = card-key
* インターホン = intaahon = Intercom
* 防犯カメラ = bouhan kamera = security camera
* 宅配ボックス = takuhai bokkusu = home delivery box
* システムキッチン= sisutemu kicchin = built-in kitchen
* CATV設備= CATV setsubi = Cable TV system
*インターネット= intaanetto = Internet
* 駐車場 = chuushajou = parking lot
* 駐輪場 = chuurinjou = bicycle parking space
At a real estate agency:
Ex. 犬山駅の近くでアパートを探しています。
= Inuyama eki no chikaku de apaato wo sagashite imasu.
= I am looking for an apartment near Inuyama station.
Ex. 犬山駅周辺にいい物件はありますか?
= Inuyama eki shuuhen ni ii bukken wa arimasu ka?
= Is there a good place around Inuyama station?
Ex. 広告で見たのですが、このアパートはまだ入居できますか?
= Koukoku de mita no desuga, kono apaato wa mada nyukyo dekimasu ka?
= I saw this apartment in the ad but is it still available?
Ex. この辺で月5万円位でいいアパートはありますか?
= Kono hen de tsuki goman en gurai de ii appato wa arimasuka?
= Do you have any good apartments under 50,000 yen a month around here?
Ex. 4月から引っ越すのでアパートを探しています。
= Shigatsu kara hikkosu no de apaato wo sagashite imasu.
= I am going to move in April, so I am looking for an apartment right now.
Ex. A: どの辺りでお探しですか?
= Dono atari de osagashi desu ka?
= In which area (of the city) are you looking for an apartment?
Ex. 名鉄線沿線がいいです。
= Meitetsusen ensen ga ii desu.
= I’d like a place along the Meitetsu line.
Ex. A: ご予算はどのぐらいでしょうか?
= Goyosan wa donogurai deshouka?
= What is your budget?
Ex. 月5万円位です。
= Tsuki goman-en gurai desu.
= About 50,000 yen a month.
Ex. 月7万円以下の所をお願いします。
= Tsuki nanaman-en ika no tokoro wo onegai shimasu.
= A place under 70,000 yen per month please.
Ex. A: どんな間取りがよろしいでしょうか?
= Donna madori ga yoroshii deshouka?
= What type of room layout would like?
Ex. 2DKがいいですが、高ければ1DKでもいいです。
= Nii DK ga ii desuga, takakereba wan DK demo iidesu.
= I prefer “2DK = two rooms with a dining room and a kitchen” but if it is expensive, IDK (One room with a dining and a kitchen) is just fine.
Ex. A: こちらは如何でしょう?
= Kochira wa ikaga deshou?
= How about this (place)?
Ex. 築どのぐらいですか?
= Chiku donoguria desuka?
= How old is this building?
Ex. A: 築3年です。
= Chiku san-nen desu.
= 3 years old.
Ex. 広さはどの位ですか?
= Hirosa wa donogurai desu ka?
= How big is it?
Ex. A: 2LDKで、6帖の和室と8帖の洋室になります。
= Nii LDK de, rokujou no washitsu to hachijou no youshitsu ni narimasu.
= One Japanese room (1.65m2 X 6) and western room (1.65m2 X 8), living room, dining room and a kitchen.
Ex. 駐車場はありますか?
= Chuushajou wa arimasu ka?
= Do you have a parking lot?
Ex. ペットを飼ってもいいですか?
= Petto wo katte mo ii desuka?
= Are pets allowed?
Ex. エアコンは付いていますか?
=Eakon wa tsuite imasu ka?
= Is it air conditioned?
Ex. 保証人はいりますか?
= Hoshounin wa irimasu ka?
= Do I need a guarantor?
Ex. 家賃はどのぐらいですか?
= Yachin wa donogurai desu ka?
= How much is the rent?
Ex. A: ご予算はどのぐらいをお考えですか?
= Goyosan wa donogurai wo okangae desu ka?
= About how much is your budget?
Ex. 8万円です。
= Hachiman en desu.
= 80,000 yen.
Ex. ちょっと高いですね。
= Chotto takai desune.
= It seems a little expensive.
Ex. 予算オーバーです。
= Yosan oobaa desu.
= It is beyond my budget.
Ex. A: それでは駅から少し遠くなりますが、こちらは如何でしょう。築10年で1LDK、家賃4万円です。
= Soredewa eki kara sukoshi tooku narimasu ga, kochirawa ikaga deshou. Chiku juunen de wan LDK, yachin yonman en desu.
= It is a bit far from the station, but how about this one? It is one bedroom with a living room, a dining room and a kitchen in a 10-year old building.
Ex. いいですねえ。
= Iidesu nee.
= Looks / Sounds good.
Ex. A: それではこれから見に行きましょうか。
= Soredewa kore kara mini ikimashouka?
= OK, then would like to go see it now?
Ex. はい、よろしくお願いします。
= Hai, yoroshiku onegai shimasu.
= Yes, please.
Ex. A: 物件をご案内致しますがご都合をお知らせください。
= Bukken wo goannai itashimasu ga gotsugou wo oshirase kudasai.
= I would like to show the place. When are you available?
Ex. 今日の6時過ぎだったらいつでもいいです。
= Kyou no rokuji sugidattara itsudemo ii desu.
= I am available anytime after 6 p.m. today.
Ex. セキュリティーはどうですか?
= Sekyuritii wa dou desu ka?
= How is the security system?
Ex. 気に入りましたがいつまでにお返事をしないといけませんか?
= Kiniirimashita ga itsumade ni ohenji wo shinai to ikemasne ka?
= I like this place but until when do I have to reply to you?
Ex. A: 手付金を入れて頂ければ仮押さえをすることができます。
= Tetsukekin wo irete itadakereba kariosae wo suru koto ga dekimasu.
= If you pay a reservation fee, we could hold this place tentatively.
Ex. それではここでお願いします。
= Soredewa koko de onegai shimasu.
= OK, then I would like to live here.
Ex. A : わかりました。それではお申し込み手続きの説明をさせて頂きます。
= Wakarimashita. Soredewa omoushikomi tetsuzuki no setsumei wo sasete itadakimasu.
= Very well. Then let us explain how we proceed with your application.
Ex. こちらにご記入ください。
= Kochira ni gokinyuu kudasai.
= Please fill this out.
☆ Contract:
Finalizing the contract is the hardest part.
Many real estate agencies have no English application form but I will give you basic vocabulary.
* 契約 = keiyaku = contract
* 契約書 = keiyakusho= contract(paper)
* 保証人 = hoshounin = guarantor
* 連帯保証人 = rentai hoshounin = consigner
* 申し込み = moushikomi = application
* 入居審査 = nyuukyo shinsa = a screening for moving in (They will check your credit and employment.)
* 入居申込書 = nyuukyo moushikomi sho= application to rent a property
* 収入証明 = shuunyuu shoumei = income
* 身分証明 = mibunshoumei = identification
* 銀行口座 = ginkou kouza = bank account
* 生年月日 = seinen gappi = birth date
* 入居者 = nyuukyosha = a person who moves in
* 入居日 = nyukyobi = date to move in
マギー先生より= Maggie Sensei yori = From Maggie Sensei
= Kukkii, “ningen no petto” ga kaeru ii apaato mitsukaru to iine.
= I hope you can find a nice apartment where you can have a human pet, Cookie.
Could you be my Patron?
I appreciate your support! サポートありがとう!
This is super useful!Thank you so much.
Glad to hear that!
Hi mimi!
お役に立ててうれしいです! 💕
Dearest Yukari-san & Maggie-sensei,
I’ve just finished 2 lessons today, and I really want to thank you for teaching us boucingheart! I’ve been studying Japanese since I was 12 because I love the language a lot, and until now I’m still learning and your site is really a great help! Your teaching strategy is so easy to understand, and not to mention, it’s very enjoying! I really love your site and finding it has been one of the best things that has happened to me this year! ^_____^ I want to be confident with my Japanese, and I know I will be, soon, with the your help :) Thank you so much! よろしくおねがいします! :purple: I will try to make more time to visit your site and learn with you !formingheart3!
All the love,
Dani !heartsippai! !heart3!
Hello Dani,
Awww that is soooo sweet! I’m so happy to hear you enjoy learning Japanese.
It is just amazing that you have been studying since you were 12. The secret of improving languages is to enjoy learning them. So I can guarantee your Japanese is great and you still want to keep learning.
Thank you so much for your reply, Maggie-sensei & Yukari-san !happyface! I agree! I really enjoy learning Japanese, but there are times when I can’t help but think that it’s really hard to master it
私これからもがんばっています!本当にありがとうございます! !heart3!
:maggie-small: !CHECKHEART! !CHECKHEART!
Thank you for your support! !heart3! これからお世話になります !greenapple!
hello Maggie sensei^^
I missed you :w:
in this sentence:
Kono hen de tsuki goman en gurai de ii appato wa arimasuka?
why did you say ( kono hen de) instead of( kono hen ni) since we are taking about location?
thank you
Hi Roro! 久しぶり!!
Ah good question.
You are right. When you talk about location, you should say この辺”に” ~ ありますか? but this で is to indicate a condition, around here.
Ex. 月10万円でいい物件はありますか?
= Tsuki juuman en de ii bukken wa arimasuka?
Ex. 駅の近くでいい物件はありますか?
= Eki no chikaku de ii bukken wa arimasu ka?
Ex. 築10年でいい物件はありますか?
= Chiku juunen de ii bukken wa arimasu ka?
These で are all to indicate some condition.
Ahaa, I see.. so it is like when I say:
kore de ii no?
I already know about this uasage but it seems like I got confused since it was used with location…
thank you Maggie sensei boucingheart!
“kore de ii no”?
Yes, it is exactly the same usage.
If you are simply asking for location, just use “ni”.
The paper just came in the mail asking if I want to renew my contract. I LOVE my location but it would be great to find a better ventilated room. I know its a long shot but do you know anything about JikoBukken? Are they really hard to come by in nice areas? There doesnt seem to be much information on them in central Tokyo
Jiko Bukken is a place where someone was murdered, committed suicide or other incident happened.
People avoid this type of places so usually they are cheaper.
If you find a cheap place for the location, you could ask the real estate agents if that place is not such a place.
Good luck on finding a nice place!
FYI (ventilated room = 換気のいい部屋=kanki no ii heya)
I just wanted to say, your website is awesome! There aren’t many active Japanese language bloggers that I’ve seen lately, and I love your style! You have yourself a new fan :)
Hi Mary,
Thank you so much for your nice message which motivates us to make more and more lessons!
入居申込書 = !koujichuu! [nyuukyok]
nyuukyo !koujichuu! !koujichuu! [moushikomi]
moushikomisho= application to rent a property.
[a month] around here?
setsubi = facility
= Kono hen de [tsuki] goman en gurai de ii appato wa arimasuka?
Do you have any good apartments under 50,000 yen
設備 = !koujichuu! [setubi]
Thank you, zoheb!!
Love you boucingheart!
This was super helpful, it always makes me happy when you post another lesson !happyface!
Thank you!! I am very happy to read your comment,too!!