Cooking Related Japanese



= Kore, zenbu,  watashi ga tsukutta no.

= I made all of these, you know.


= Mochiron, uso dakedo.

= (Of course it’s not true though…)


= Sugoooi!

= Wooow!


= Barebare dakedo…

= (It is obvious that she didn’t make them but…)

無断転載禁止(All rights reserved)
Hi everyone!
A couple of people asked me to make a lesson on how to make sweets in Japanese. !shortcake! 

They want to read recipes or the back packages written in Japanese.
Today we’ll learn some basic vocabulary for cooking and making sweets.

I hope you get to read the basic recipes after studying this lesson so that you can cook something for us.  :)

First  sweets or snacks in Japanese is

 :rrrr: 菓子 = kashi (polite way お菓子= okashi)

Western style sweets are called

 :rrrr: 洋菓子= yougashi

and Japanese style sweets are called

 :rrrr: 和菓子 = wagashi


!star! 材料= zairyou = ingredients

= kona= flour

*薄力粉 = hakurikiko = cake flour

*強力粉 = kyourikiko  = bread flour

*中力粉 = chuurikiko = all purpose flour

*コンスターチ = koonsutaachicornstarch = Corn starch

*片栗粉 = katakuriko = potato starch

*ベーキングパウダー = beikingu paudaa= baking soda

イースト= iisuto= yeast

*生イースト = nama iisuto= active yeast

*ドライイースト = dorai iisuto= active dry yeast

★ 砂糖 = satou = sugar

*粉砂糖 = konazatou = パウダーシュガー = paudaa shugaa= powder sugar

*グラニュー糖 = guranyuutou= granulated sugar

*上白糖 = jouhakutou= white sugar

*黒砂糖 = kurozatou = dark brown sugar

*蜂蜜はちみつ/ハチミツ = hanimitsu = honey

= tamago = eggs

*卵白 = ranpaku = egg white

*卵黄 = ran’ou = 黄身 = kimi = egg york

*生卵 = namatamago = raw egg

*ゆで卵 = yudetamago = boiled egg

*半熟ゆで卵 = hanjuku yudetamago = half boiled egg

*全熟ゆで卵 = zenjuku yudetamago / 固ゆで卵 = katayude tamago= hard boiled egg

全卵 = zenran =  whole egg

生クリーム = namakuriimu = fresh cream

バター = battaa= butter

*溶かしバター = tokashi battaa = melted butter

*無塩バター = muen bataa = salt-free butter

*有塩バター = yuuen bataa = salted butter

*マーガリン= maagarin= margarine

エッセンス= essensu = essence

*バニラエッセンス= banira essensu = vanilla essence

*アーモンドエッセンス = aamondo essensu = almond essence

★ ナッツ = nattu= nuts  ドライフルーツ ( = dorai furuutsu) dry fruits

*レーズン  = reizun = (干しぶどう= hoshibudou)=raisin

胡桃/くるみ/クルミ = kurumi = walnuts

*胡麻/ごま = goma = sesame seeds

*アーモンド = aamondo = almond

*ピーナッツ = piinattsu = peanuts

*松の実 = matsu no mi  = pine nut

Ingredients for  和菓子 ( = wagashi = Japanese sweets

*小豆= azuki = adzuki beans

You cook azuki beans with sugar, water, and a little bit of salt and make bean paste which is called

 :rrrr: *餡 = あん= an ・あんこ= anko = sweet bean paste

There are different kinds.

*白餡 白あん= shiroan= sweet white bean paste

*赤餡 赤あん = akaan= sweet red bean paste

*こし餡  =こしあん= koshian = pureed smooth sweet red-bean paste

*粒餡 =つぶあん= tsubuan = chunky sweet red bean paste with bean skins

*寒天 = kanten = agar-agar- sea gelatine made from tengusa (or other seaweed)

*和三盆 = wasanbon = a type of traditional Japanese sugar

*米粉 = komeko = rice flour

*もち粉 = mochiko= sweet rice flour/powder made from glutinous rice

*= mochi = pounded rice cake made from  glutinous rice.

 調味料 = choumiryou =  condiments

香辛料 = koushinryou  = spices (and condiments)

* = shio = salt

*胡椒 = こしょう = koshou = pepper

*黒胡椒 = 黒こしょう = kuro koshou  = black pepper

*白胡椒 = 白こしょう = shiro koshou = white pepper

*粒胡椒 = 粒こしょう = tsubukoshou = grains pepper

*ケチャップ= kechappu = ketchup

*マヨネーズ= mayoneizu = mayonnaise

*辛子 = からし・カラシ= karashi = mustard

*和辛子 = 和がらし/ガラシ= wagarashi = Japanese mustard

*洋辛子= 洋がらし/ガラシ=  yougarashi = Western mustard

*スパイス = supaisu = spice

*香辛料 = koushinryou  = spice

*山椒 =さんしょう= sanshou =Japanese pepper

*赤唐辛子 = akatougarashi = red pepper

*七味唐辛子 = shichimi tougarashi = mixture of chili pepper, sesame seed, poppy seed, yuzu peel, rape seed or shiso.

*ナツメッグ = natsumeggu = nutmeg

 *味噌 =みそ= miso = fermented bean paste

*白味噌 = 白みそ= shiro miso = white miso

*赤味噌 = 赤みそ= aka miso= red miso

*合わせ味噌 = awase miso = mixture of different kinds of miso

*= sake = Japanese alcoholic beverage made from fermented rice

*味醂 = みりん= mirin = a type of Japanese sweet sake which is used for cooking

*酢 = = su = vinegar

*すし酢 = sushisu = vinegar prepared to season the rice used in sushi.

ソース= sousu = sauce

*醤油 = しょう油 = shouyu = say sauce

*ウスターソース = usutaa sousu = Worcestershire sauce/ steak sauce

*とんかつソース= tonkatsu sousu = thick Worcestershire sauce/ steak sauce that we use for とんかつ (= tonkatsu) deep-fried pork cutlet)

*トマトピューレ = tomato pyuure = tomato puree

*トマトペースト = tomato peisuto= tomato paste

*ホールトマト = hooru tomato =(canned / bottled) whole peeled tomato

★ ハーブ= haabu= herbs

*オレガノ = oregano= oregano

*月桂樹の葉= gekkeiju no ha / ローリエ = rourie= laurel

スープ= soupu = soup

*コンソメキューブ= konsome kyuubu/ 固形スープの素= kokei suupu no moto = Consomme cubes / soup stock cubes

*インスタントスープの素 = insutanto suupu no moto= Instant soup mix

*だし汁 = dashijiru= Japanese soup stock, broth

*だしの素 = dashinomoto = instant Japanese bouillon

 :rrrr: verb : (〜で)だしを取る= (~ de) dashi wo toru = to make broth from ~

Usually Japanese だし( = dashi) soup stock is made from

*かつお節 = katsuobushi= (shaved) dried bonito fish

かつおだし ( = katsuodashi) 


*煮干し=nibosh= small dried sardine

!star! To measure the ingredients:

verb  :

 :rrrr: 計る = hakaru = to measure

 :rrrr: 量る= hakaru = to weigh

*はかり= hakari = a scale

* 計量カップ = keiryou kappu = a measuring cup

計量スプーン = keiryou supuun = a measuring spoon

小匙 = 小さじ = kosaji = a tea spoon 5cc

* 中匙 = 中さじ = chuusaji = a medium size tea spoon  10cc

大匙 = 大さじ = oosaji = a table spoon 15cc

計量カップ = keiryou kappu = measuring cup

*カップ1杯 = kappu ippai = a cup of ~  (200cc)

*半カップ= hankappu = a half cup (100 cc)

*温度計= ondokei= a thermometer

*度 = do  = degree(s)

Ex. 180度= hyakuhachijuudo = 180 degrees/ 180

Note : Careful! In Japan we use 摂氏 (  = sesshi) Celsius ℃ not 華氏( = kashi) Fahrenheit °F

Also when you measure the ingredients, you have to convert the units.


Weight units:

*グラム = guramu = grams

*キロ= kiro = kilograms

Volume units :

*リットル= ritttoru = litter

*cc = shiishii/ ml = ミリリットル= miriritoru

= gou

Ex. 一合= ichigou = 180 ml

*少々 = shoushou = a little

*半分 = hanbun = a half

*適量 = tekiryou = moderate amount

調理器具 = chourikigu = cooking utensils

I made a kitchen related lesson before so you can study the names of basic cooking utensils, but I’ve added some more vocabulary here.

オーブン/ 天火 = oubun / tenpi = an oven

*天板 = tenpan = a cookie sheet

電子レンジ = denshi renji = microwave oven

ボウル = bouru = a bowl, a mixing bowl

*= nabe = a pot

*まな板 = manaita= a cutting board

*泡立て器 = awadateki = a  whisk

Ex. 泡立て器でかき混ぜる

= awadateki de kakimazeru

= to mix with a whisk

*クッキー型 = kuukii gata = a cookie cutter

Ex.  生地をクッキー型で抜く

= Kiji wo kukki- gata de nuku

= cut the dough with a cookie cutter

*ケーキ型 = keiki gata=a cake pan

*麺棒めん棒 = menbou = a rolling pin

Ex. めん棒で生地を伸ばす

= menbou de kiji wo nobasu

= to roll out the dough with a rolling pin

*ラップ = rappu = cling wrap film, plastic wrap

Ex. ラップに包んで冷蔵庫で一晩寝かす

= Rappu ni tsutsunde reizouko de hitoban nekasu

= Cover it with plastic wrap and let it stand in the refrigerator over night.

 !heartsippai! Basic verbs for cooking

 !onpu! 準備 ( = junbi) / 下準備( = shitajunbi)  = preparation

*ふるう = furuu = to sift

Ex. 粉をふるう= kona wo furuu = to sift flour

Ex. 粉ふるい機 = kona furuiki = flour sifter

*塗る = nuru = to spread

Ex. バターを塗る = batta wo nuru = to spread butter

*溶かす = tokasu = to melt

Ex. バターを溶かす = bataa wo tokasu = to melt butter

*計る = hakaru = to measure

*量る= hakaru = to weigh

Ex. 材料を計る = zairyou wo hakaru = to measure the ingredients

*泡立てる = awadateru = to whip

Ex. 卵を泡立てる

= tamago wo awadateru

= to whip egg

Ex. 卵白をしっかり角が立つまで泡立てる

= ranpaku wo shikkari tuno ga tatsu made awadateru

= to  whip egg whites until stiff peaks form

*混ぜる= mazeru = to mix

Ex. よく混ぜる = yoku mazeru = to mix well

Ex. ざっくり混ぜる = zakkuri mazeru = to mix lightly

Ex. 手で混ぜる = te de maderu = to mix something with one’s hands

Ex. かき混ぜる = kakimazeru = to stir

*和える= aeru = to mix (lightly)

*注ぐ = sosogu = to pour

*剥く= むく = muku = to peel

Ex. りんごの皮をむく = ringo no kawa wo muku = to peel an apple

*洗う = arau = to wash / to rinse

Ex. 野菜を洗う = yasai wo arau = to wash/clean vegetables

*揚げる= ageru = to deep fry

*つける = tsukeru  = to soak, to dip

*つけておく= tsukete oku = to soak, to leave something in the sauce for a while

*水切りをする = mizukiri wo suru = to drain off the water

*水を切る = mizu wo kiru = to drain = to drain off the water

Ex. ざるで水を切る= to drain off the water with the strainer

* 置く/ おく = oku = to leave something

Ex. 20分置いておく = nijuppun oite okku = to leave something for 20 minutes


In cooking instructions you often see the verb ~ておく(=teoku)

to do something ahead of time, to prepare something

 :rrrr: Ex. 洗っておく = aratte oku = to wash something ahead of time

室温に戻す = Shitsuon ni modosu = to let ~ to room temperature

Ex. バターを室温に戻しておきます。

= Battaa wo shitsuon ni modoshite okimasu.

= Let butter warm to room temperature.

*寝かせる = nekaseru = to leave something for a while

Ex. 30分寝かせる

= sanjuppun nekaseru

= to leave something for 30 minutes

*こねる = koneru = to knead

*柔らかくする = yawarakaku suru = to make ~ soft, to soften ~

*湯煎にする = yusen ni kakeru = putting ~ in the bowl with hot water.

*温める = atatameru = to heat up

Ex. オーブンを250度に温める

= oubun wo nihyakugojuudo ni atatameru

= to heat the oven 250 degrees.

*冷ます= samasu = to cool off

*調理する = chouri suru = to cook ( in general)

*焼く = yaku =to bake, to fry, to roast

Ex. フライパンで焼く= furaipan de yaku = to pan-fry

Ex. 220度のオーブンで30分焼く

=  Nihyaku nijuudo no oubun de sanjuppun y aku

= To cook/bake/roast in an oven at 220 degree for 30 minutes

Ex. きつね色になるまで焼く

= kitsuneiro ni naru made yaku

= to cook/roast/fry until it gets gold brown

 ★ 火加減 = hikagen = strengh of fire

*強火 = tsuyobi = high heat

*弱火 = yowabi= low heat

*中火 = chuubi = medium heat

Ex. 弱火でコトコト煮る

= Yowabi de kotokoto niru

= to simmer  on low heat

= mizu = water

*お湯 = oyu = hot water

*ぬるま湯 = nurumayu = tepid water

*熱湯 = nettou = boiled water

*沸騰させる = futtou saseru = to boil

Ex. 水を沸騰させる = mizu wo futtou saseru = to boil water

*洗う = arau = to wash

*切る = kiru = to cut / slice / dice

Ex. 材料を切る = zairyou wo kiru = to cut the ingredients

Ex. みじん切りにする = mijingiri ni suru = to chop, to cut in small pieces

Ex. ザグ切りにする = zakugiri ni suru= to cut coarsely

Ex.  くし型に切る= kushigata ni kiru = to cut  into wedges

*きざむ= kizamu = to chop, to mince

Ex. 細かくきざむ = komakaku kizamu = to cut fine, to cut something in small pieces

*つぶす = tsubusu= to mash, to crush

*飾り付ける = kazaritsukeru = garnish, decorate

*絞る= shiboru= to squeeze

Ex. レモンを絞る

= remon wo shiboru

= to squeeze lemon

*水を切る  = mizu wo kiru = to drain off the water

Ex. ざるで水を切る

= zaru de mizu wo kiru

= to  drain off the water with the strainer

*冷やす= hiyasu = to chill

*凍らせる= kooraseru  = to freeze

*炒める = itameru = to fry, to saute

*ゆでる = yuderu = to cook something in boiling water

Ex. やわらかくなるまでゆでる

= yawarakaku naru made yuderu

= to boil until it gets softer

*生地 = kiji = dough

Ex. パンの生地 = pan no kiji = bread dough

*こねる = koneru = to knead

*発酵させる= hakkou saseru =to rise/ to ferment

Ex. 生地を発酵させる= kiji wo hakkou saseru = to let the dough rise

*蒸す = musu = to steam

*炊く = taku = to cook (rice)

Ex. ご飯を炊く= gohan wo taku = to cook rice

*煮る = niru = to boil (up) / to cook

Ex. とろ火で煮る= torobi de niru = to simmer over low heat

*加える = kuwaeru = to add

*入れる = ireru = to add/ to put

*割る= waru = to crack, to break

Ex. 卵を割る= tamago wo waru = to crack an egg

*(すり)おろす = (suri) orosu = to grate

Ex. チーズをおろす= chiizu wo orosu = to grate cheese


= abura wo hiku

= to grease

Ex. あたためたフライパンに油をひく

= Atatameta furaiipan ni abura wo hiku.

= To grease the heated pan


= hi ni kakeru

= to put something over a fire


= hikara orosu

= to remove from the heat

*蓋/ふた/フタをする = futa wo suru  = to put a lid on

Ex. 蓋/ふた/フタをして30分煮る

= futa wo shite sanjuppun niru

= to cook  in a covered pot

*ひっくり返す= hikkuri kaesu =to flip

*取り出す = toridasu = to take out

*味付けする= ajitsuke suru = to season

*ふりかける= furikakeru = to sprinkle, to dust

*出す= dasu = to serve

Ex. 料理を出す = ryouri wo dasu = to serve the meal

 !star! How to read recipes :

Reading recipes may be tough but here are some typical patterns.


= Mazu ~ (shi)masu

= First you do ~

Ex. まず材料を計ります。

= Mazu zairyou wo hakarimasu.

= First measure the ingredients.


= Tsugi ni ~ (shi)masu.

= And then do ~

Ex. 次に玉葱をみじん切りにします。

= Tsugi ni tamanegi wo mijin giri ni shimasu.

= Then chop the onions.


= ~ shiteiru aida ni ~(shi)masu.

= While doing ~, do ~

Ex. 冷蔵庫で冷ましている間にクリームを泡立てます。

= Reizouko de samashite iru aida ni kuriimu wo awadatemasu.

= While leaving it in the refrigerator to cool it  off,  whip the cream.


=  ~ (shi)te okimasu

to do something ahead of time

Ex. オーブンを温めておきます。

= Oubun wo atatamete okimasu.

= Preheat an oven.

* 〜たら出来上がりです。

= ~ tara dekiagari desu.

= When it ~, it’s done. / After you do ~, it’s done.


= Konazatou wo ue kara kaketara dekiagari desu.

= Sprinkle powder sugar on top and it’s done.

 !star! Instructions of how to eat:


= Hiyashite omeshiagari kudasai.

= Serve it/them cold (chilled)


= Yoku futte omeshiagari kudasai.

= Shake well before serving/ Shake well for best taste.

 !star! For shopping / Reading labels

*缶詰 = kanzume = canned food

*瓶詰め = binzume  = bottled food

* = nama = raw, fresh

*原材料 = gennzairyou = genzairyou = (literally)  raw materialsingredients

*賞味期限 = shoumikigen= expiration date, best when used by date

Ex. 賞味期限が過ぎる = shoumikigen ga sugiru

or賞味期限が切れる= shoumikigen ga kireru

= to expire

Note: If you are not sure how long the products last, you can ask the sales clerk,

Ex. これはどれぐらい持ちますか?

= Kore wa soregurai mochimasu ka?

= How long does it last?

 !star! 保存= hozon = storing

*要冷蔵= youreizou = Keep refrigerated

Ex. 開封後は要冷蔵

= kaifuugo wa youreizou

= refrigerate after opening

Ex. 涼しく乾燥した場所に保存して下さい。

= Suzushiku kansou shita basho ni hozon shite kudasai.

= Store in cool and dry place.

*常温保存 = jouon hozon kanou = store at room temperature.  / shelf-stable

*低脂肪= teishibou = low-fat

*冷凍食品 = reitou shokuhin = frozen food

*合成保存料 = gousei hozonryou =synthetic preservatives

*合成着色料 = gousei chakushokuryou= artificial coloring

*無添加 = mutenka = additive-free

*使用 = shiyou = use / include/ added

Ex. 合成保存料使用

= gousei hozonryou shiyou

= synthetic preservatives added

Ex. 合成着色料は一切使用しておりません。

= Gousei chakushokuryou wa issai shiyou shite orimasen.

= No artificial coloring


= shokuhin tenkabutsu

= food additive


= idenshi kumikae shokuhin

= genetically modified products


= yuukisaibai

= organic/ organically-grown

maggie-senseiマギー先生より= Maggie Sensei yori = From Maggie Sensei

私は甘いものに目がありません。 !CHECKHEART!  :macarron: 

= Watashi wa amai mono ni me ga arimasen.

= I have a real sweet tooth.


= Dareka, oishii okashi wo tsukutte kurenai?

= Anybody want to make delicious sweets for me?


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  1. Hi,if “Gekkeiju” means “Bay Tree” then does the same word apply for “Bay Leaf”.

    In “Indo no ryori”(Indian Cuisine) this is one of the “Zairyo”(Ingredients) that is commonly used.

    Thanks in advance.

    1. Hi SK
      Bay Leaf is “月桂樹の葉=げっけいじゅのは = gekkeiju no ha” or “ローリエ = rourie (from a French word “laurier”)

  2. This really was a life saver!!!!! Thank you so much for all the information that you’ve provided here.
    It would be a great help if you could tell me how to say ‘clean and devein the shrimps’.

    1. Hello Muskaan,

      Happy to hear you found this lesson informative.
      ‘clean and devein the shrimps’ in Japanese is エビの背わたをとる = Ebi no sewata wo toru

  3. Hello せんせい、I would like to ask you how to say “to remove the skin”. Thank you for your efforts and hope you have a wonderful day!

    1. Hi アマチュア

      It depends on what skin you are talking about but you can say

  4. Sensei. How do you say the following words related to cooking.

    To blanch
    To sear
    To julienne
    To drizzle
    To marinate
    To whip
    To whisk
    To poach
    To braise
    Dressing/ to dress
    To deglaze

    1. OMG, OK, I will try

      To blanch 湯どうしする= yudoushi suru
      To sear 強火でさっと焼く = tsuyobi de satto yaku
      To julienne 千切りにする = sengiri ni suru
      To drizzle (〜に)たらす = ( ~ ni ) tarasu
      To marinate 漬ける・マリネする = tsukeru/ marine suru
      To whip (しっかり)泡立てる = (shikkari) awadateru
      To whisk 泡立てる = awadateru
      To poach 熱湯の中に入れる・熱湯でゆでる = nettou no naka ni ireru / nettou de yuderu
      To braise 蒸し煮する = mushini suru
      Dressing/ to dress If you meant to put dressing sauce on something ドレッシングをかける = doresshingu wo kakeru
      To deglaze (鍋・フライパンに) 〜を入れてソースを作る = ( nabe/ furaipan ni) ~ wo irete soosu wo tsukuru

    1. Good, I should cover those, huh?
      serves (how many people) number + 人分 (= ninbun)
      set aside 置いておく
      For blender and mixer I already covered in this lesson 台所 lesson.
      let rest = 寝かせる= neakaseru / 寝かせておく= nekasete ku
      Fold in (切るように)混ぜ込む (= kiru you ni) mazekomu ・切るようにさっくり混ぜる ( = kiru you ni sakkuri mazeru)

  5. Found a couple of typos:

    Ex. よく混ぜる = yokju mazeru = to mix well <– Yoku mazeru??

    *冷やしてお召し上がり下さい。= ihyashite omeshiagari kudasai. <– Hiyashite??

    I think it lacks one expression:
    – (after finishing something) distribute X in each of the dishes . This is very common in recipes.

    Thanks for the lesson :-)

    1. @yrz

      揚げる deep fry (with lots of oil) 炒める fry or saute (less oil than 揚げる)
      焼く toast, broil, bake..(general)
      水を沸かす= to boil water
      沸騰させる= to heat/bring ~ to boil

    2. @yrz

      揚げる deep fry (with lots of oil) 炒める fry or saute (less oil than 揚げる)
      焼く toast, broil, bake..(general)
      水を沸かす= to boil water
      沸騰させる= to heat/bring ~ to boil

  6. 元気です!使用期限ですね、ありがとうございましたマギー先生!
    あともう一つ気になる事があるんですが、「…. Doesn’t count」は日本語で何と言いますか?例えば、”Potatos don’t count as one of your 5 a-day vegetables”, “Watching japanese anime doesn’t count as real study”.

    A: I love video games!
    B: Like what?
    A: Candy crush on my phone!
    B: Mobile game’s don’t count (as real video games).

    1. @Lava

      doesn’t countは「〜は含まれない」「〜は数に入れない」「〜は数に含まれない」「〜は〜〜〜に入らない」「〜は別」などいろいろな言い方があります。その例文でどれを使うか微妙に変わります。


  7. こんにちはマギー先生!

    1. @Lava

      こんにちは〜Lava!! 元気でしたか?

  8. This is so AWSOME! What a great explanation. I love all the foods you have written. You are awesome.

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