旬 / しゅん ( = shun) (Mini Lesson)



= Hatsumono da!

= These are the first pears of the season!

Today’s word is = shun
It means: in peak, at the right time, the ideal time (season) for something or someone.

We usually use this to refer to fruits, fish, and vegetables, that are in season. You can’t use it for food that you see all year round.

•旬の果物 = shun no kudamono = seasonal fruits

( You might see this on a Japanese menu.)

旬の食べ物 = shun no tabemono = seasonal food

旬の魚 = shun no sakana = seasonal fish

Ex. 「今、旬の野菜って何? 」

= Ima shun no yasaitte nani?

= What vegetables are in season now?

Ex. 「今は、さつまいもが旬です。」

= Ima wa satsumaimo ga shun desu.

= Sweets potatoes are in season now.

Ex. もう旬が終わった。

= Mou shun ga owatta.

= It is already out of season.

Ex. 何事にも旬がある。

= Nanigoto nimo shun ga aru.

= Everything has its season.


Note : = shun is not just used for food. :u:

今、一番旬な ~

= Ima ichiban shun na  ~

= The hottest something.

:rrrr: (with people)

男性 =  dansei = men

女性 = josei = women

芸人 = geinin =  comedians

俳優 = haiyuu = actors

:rrrr: (group)

バンド = bando = a music band

:rrrr: (others)

情報 = jouhou = information

話題 = wadai = topics

ファッション = fasshion= fashion

Note : While “キテる”  ( =  kiteru ) is getting popular,    ( =  shun)  usually refers to something that is at its height of popularity.

From the picture above :


= Ah! Hatsumono da!

= They are the first pears in the seasons!

• 初物 = hatsumono = first fruits, first vegetable in the season

= hatsu = the first

= mono = things

We say this when we first see the fruits or vegetable of their season.

Ex. 御近所から初物の柿を頂いた。

= Gokinjo kara hatsumon no kaki wo itadaita.

Our (My) neighbor gave us (me) the first persimmons of the season.

(We have received the first persimmons of the season from our neighbor.)

maggie-senseiマギー先生より = Maggie Sensei yori = From Maggie Sensei

日本では今、梨が旬です。= Nihon de wa ima nashi ga shun desu.

= The seasonal fruits in Japan are pears.


= Minna no kuni dewa nani ga shun desuka?

= How about in your country? What’s 旬 = shun now?


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  1. どんな旬のやさいと果物かあまり知らないで、ほとんどすべてがglasshouseで育てことができるできるから。。。^-^;

    1. @gkstr
      (A little correction for you. ほとんどすべての野菜や果物が温室(=onshitsu = greenhouse) で育てることができるからどんな野菜や果物が旬なのかあまりわかりません。)

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